Civil Liberties in Wartime (Video) by Andrew Napolitano June 28, 2007 Judge Andrew P. Napolitano joined FOX News Channel in May 1998, and currently serves as a senior judicial analyst. He appears daily on The Big Story with John Gibson, co-hosts FOX and Friends once a week and is a regular on The O’Reilly Factor. Napolitano is the youngest life-tenured Superior Court Judge in the history ...
Why They Hate Us by Sheldon Richman June 27, 2007 What’s more obnoxious than a person who constantly whines about the injustices committed against him while ignoring his own injustices against others? A country that does the same thing. We often hear American politicians and commentators reciting a list of “terrorist” acts committed against the “United States.” It typically includes the 1982 ...
Bush’s Tyranny Thwarted — For Now by Sheldon Richman June 22, 2007 The news media seemed too preoccupied with Paris Hilton’s detention to notice, but a U.S. appeals court last week struck a major blow for liberty. A three-judge panel of the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Bush administration may not declare a U.S. resident, whether a citizen or not, an “enemy combatant,” ...
A Report on FFF’s Conference “Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties by Jacob G. Hornberger June 15, 2007 We are still flying high here at FFF in the aftermath of our June 14 conference Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties. I know Im a bit biased but I have never attended a more exciting conference where so many fantastic speeches were delivered. And I have never seen a higher level of energy within both speakers ...
Dare We Call It Tyranny? by Sheldon Richman June 15, 2007 The American peoples response to President Bushs war on terror should be terror. The administration, sometimes with Congresss complicity: is preparing for a 50-year stay in Iraq, complete with 14 military bases and an embassy larger than the Vatican. (Can there be a better recruiting program for al Qaeda?) has abolished habeas corpus, the principle that for centuries has protected people ...
Must History Always Repeat Itself? by Gary D. Barnett June 6, 2007 Some comparisons are just too tough to stomach, but the time has come to stomach one of them just the same. The United States has become the opposite of what was intended by our Founding Fathers. It is now not free, but rather sunk in dictatorial morass. What has become of us Americans? Why are we so weak as ...
Conservatives Flunk Logic by Sheldon Richman June 4, 2007 “Hello. I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.” Conservatives love to use this line to mock the idea that government can do constructive things for you. Nothing gets a bigger laugh at conservative gatherings. The sentence has two meanings. First, it makes fun of the notion that politicians have ...
Saving the Republic, Resisting the Imperial Temptation (video) by Doug Bandow June 2, 2007 Doug Bandow is a Washington-based political writer and policy analyst and Robert A. Taft Fellow with the American Conservative Defense Alliance. He served as a special assistant to President Ronald Reagan and as a senior policy analyst in the 1980 Reagan for President campaign. He has been widely published in leading newspapers and periodicals and has appeared on numerous radio ...