The Wrong Conversation About Iraq by Frank Nicosia October 1, 2007 Democrats and Republicans, pundits, retired military, the media, and other critics of the Iraq war are having the wrong conversation about how to leave Iraq. They and others, including most of the Democratic candidates for president, focus on the Bush administration’s lack of “success.” We should withdraw or “redeploy” our ...
I Suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Part 1 by James Glaser October 1, 2007 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 No veteran wants Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In fact most will fight it for years, and when things really get out of hand, they have to go through the embarrassment of asking the Veterans Administration for ...
What’s More American Than an American Flag Made in China? by Lois Kaneshiki October 1, 2007 In case you haven’t heard, many states are passing laws that make it illegal to sell American flags that were not made in the United States. I can hear the sound of labor unions cheering the deed as I write this. However, if America wishes to remain the great nation she is, she should celebrate American flags made in ...
Blackhawks over Bourbon Street by Glenn Jacobs October 1, 2007 Last summer it was announced that federal agents would soon join local authorities in policing New Orleans. In addition, National Guard troops will be staying in New Orleans until November, and Mayor Ray Nagin wants the Louisiana Air National Guard to conduct nightly patrols over the city. ...
Rational Irrationality and Bad Policies by George Leef October 1, 2007 The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies by Bryan Caplan (Princeton University Press, 2007); 276 pages; $29.95. For many years, the standard account of the tendency for democratic governments to adopt perverse policies (restrictions on free trade, for ...
Rights & Duties, Left & Right by Tibor R. Machan September 28, 2007 It is interesting that both the Right and the Left complain about the American (Lockean) political tradition because it emphasizes individual rights and not responsibilities or duties. The complaint is ill founded, however. First, a regime of individual rights does directly imply legal responsibilities or duties, albeit of a limited ...
The Empire Has No Clothes: U.S. Foreign Policy Exposed (video) by Ivan Eland September 28, 2007 On June 2, 2007, Ivan Eland gave the following Speech at FFF's conference Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties. The speech can viewed below in its entirety.
Iraqi Persons: Children of a Lesser God? by J.D. Chapman September 21, 2007 The taking of one human life We all agree to be high crime That usually demands a just punishment It is a sin That God abhors and will also judge But several hundred thousand lives Of mainly bystanders To massive military exercise By the world’s mightiest armies For goals that could never be justified Defies the bravest explanation
The Importance of the Marketplace of Ideas — in Both War and Peace by Richard M. Ebeling September 21, 2007 On June 2, 2007, Richard M. Ebeling gave the following Speech at FFF's conference Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties. The speech can viewed below in its entirety.
Do Americans Owe Service to the Nation? by Sheldon Richman September 17, 2007 Why does the idea of “national service” never cease to attract American intellectuals? Every few years some prominent “thinker” proposes that young Americans “serve their country” in either a civilian or military capacity. Such service is always promised to have a profound effect on both the nation and the ...
Pro-Democracy Killing in Iraq by Jacob G. Hornberger September 14, 2007 During the recent Republican presidential debate, former Governor Mike Huckabee took Congressman Ron Paul to task for calling for a withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq. Huckabee suggested that it was irrelevant whether the United States should have invaded Iraq. The point, he stated, was that because the invasion ...
Whatever Happened to Uncle Sam Wants You? by Michael Nolan September 14, 2007 If the war in Iraq is worth fighting, then why doesn't George Bush, commander-in-chief of an army stretched so thin by the Iraq catastrophe that Colin Powell has labeled it broken, just look the people in the eye and say Uncle Sam Wants You? Think about it: Those who support global, perpetual war from Dick Cheney to Joe Lieberman ...