The Legacy of Milton Friedman, Part 2 by Doug Bandow April 1, 2008 Part 1 | Part 2 Milton Friedman also was adept at proposing practical solutions to practical problems. He believed strongly in liberty, but he recognized that he needed to promote it practically. Nowhere was his ability in this area more evident than in his work on the All-Volunteer Force (AVF). He served on the official ...
Open Borders Work, Part 2 by Philippe LeGrain April 1, 2008 Part 1 | Part 2 Opponents of immigration marshal a battery of objections to opening up borders. They claim that it would cost jobs, pose a huge welfare burden, and threaten Americans’ way of life — even their security. Yet these fears are mostly nonsense. Critics argue that low-skilled immigration is harmful because the newcomers are poorer and ...
The Root of All Evil, Part 1 by Gregory Bresiger April 1, 2008 Part 1 | Part 2 He has erected a Multitude of new Offices, and sent hither Swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat out their Substance. — The Declaration of Independence You may think you’re safe from ...
A History of Libertarianism by George Leef April 1, 2008 Radicals for Capitalism: A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Movement by Brian Doherty (Public Affairs, 2007); 741 pages; $35. With Radicals for Capitalism, veteran libertarian journalist Brian Doherty (whose work is most often found in Reason) gives the world what he calls a “freewheeling history of the modern American libertarian ...
America’s Anti-Militarist Tradition by Sheldon Richman March 28, 2008 The Right went apoplectic at the skepticism that greeted Gen. David Petraeus’s recent testimony about the success of the military escalation in Iraq. It was as though a member of the military was incapable of engaging in spin to support his commander in chief’s war policy. How could anyone even for ...
Foreword to Tethered Citizens: Time to Repeal the Welfare State by Ron Paul March 26, 2008 Sheldon Richman’s Tethered Citizens: Time to Repeal the Welfare State is precisely the type of scholarly work needed to wake up the American people to the dangers posed by the welfare state. Richman demolishes the popular myth that the welfare state was a natural outgrowth of the Founding ...
FFF Speaker Spotlight: David R. Henderson by Jacob G. Hornberger March 21, 2008 We are extremely honored to have David Henderson speaking at our upcoming June 6-8 conference “Restoring the Republic 2008: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties.” Not only is David one of the most brilliant economic thinkers in the country, he is also among those who is devoting his intellectual energy to moving ...
Government-Made Crises by Jacob G. Hornberger March 17, 2008 A fascinating aspect of government intervention is how it induces people (1) to get embroiled in the crisis environment that the intervention produces, and (2) to feel a vested interest in coming up with a solution to the crisis. Consider price controls, an intervention that governments traditionally turn to in response to their own debasement of the currency. As prices ...
The Government’s Chickens Are Back by Sheldon Richman March 14, 2008 When a private company screws up, there is no shortage of people demanding more government intrusion in the marketplace. But when the government screws up, they don’t call for less government. They call for more. The economy is slowing down, and the government is at fault. But, if anything, the policymakers ...
Speaker Spotlight: Glenn Greenwald by Jacob G. Hornberger March 14, 2008 Glenn Greenwald, who is speaking at our upcoming June 6-8 conference Restoring the Republic 2008: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties, writes one of the finest political blogs on the Internet. Every day, with sharpness and clarity he brings peoples attention to the politics and consequences of the federal governments attacks on civil liberties. He spares no one, either Democrat ...
I’ll Think of Something! by Tibor R. Machan March 10, 2008 Often when some unexpected challenge faces a person, someone asks, “What are you going to do about this?” The answer, frequently delivered with casual confidence, tends to be: “I’ll think of something.” No answer and attitude better characterizes how to think about problem solving in a free society. ...
Speaker Spotlight: Bruce Fein by Jacob G. Hornberger March 7, 2008 While I have never personally met Bruce Fein, he is an attorney who has become one of my modern-day heroes. In the post-9/11 environment in which so many lawyers have rolled over and succumbed to the Bush administrations war on terrorism, Fein has been at the forefront of the battle to defend the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the ...