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Daily Articles

Dear Conservatives: It’s Time to Separate School and State

For decades, so-called “progressives” and other leftists have claimed that elected local school boards give parents control over education. Everyone knows it's a lie, but few have had the courage to speak up. Still, the delusion persists. On the day after Christmas, Nikole Hannah-Jones, of the New York Times' fact-deficient 1619 Project, let the mask drop completely. “I don't really ...

Will Politicians Revive American Slavery?

In the wake of America’s disastrous Civil War, the Thirteenth Amendment was enacted to prohibit involuntary servitude. Unfortunately, top newspapers, pundits, and think tanks are now campaigning to nullify that prohibition. Apparently, slavery was evil not because of the unjust subjugation but because plantation owners, not politicians, were the profiteers. Politicians have long been hustling to establish their prerogative to ...

Government Planning Brings neither Freedom, Prosperity, nor Equality

America is in the grip of a serious counterrevolution against the ideas and ideals upon which the country was founded. Whether it concerns fears about the physical environment or frustrations with the domestic economy or charges of society-wide “systemic racism,” the presumption is that the problem stems from people having too much freedom or the wrong types of freedom. The ...