War and the Future of the Dollar (video) by Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. October 8, 2008 On June 6, 2008, Lew Rockwell gave the following Speech at FFF’s conference Restoring the Republic 2008: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties. The speech can viewed below in its entirety.
How Major U.S. Neo-Imperialist Wars End (video) by Robert Higgs October 8, 2008 On June 6, 2008, Robert Higgs gave the following Speech at FFF’s conference Restoring the Republic 2008: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties. The speech can viewed below in its entirety.
The Corporate State Wins by Sheldon Richman October 3, 2008 The Senate’s passage of the $700 billion bailout of Wall Street, and its presumed acceptance by the House, exposes once and for all the true nature of the American political-economic system. It is free-enterprise in name only. In fact, and especially for large well-connected companies, it is nothing of the ...
Two Checks on Tyranny by Jacob G. Hornberger October 1, 2008 The purpose of the Bill of Rights was twofold: first, to ensure that certain fundamental rights were protected from federal infringement and, second, to ensure that the American people were expressly guaranteed certain procedural rights in federal criminal prosecutions. While all of the rights and guarantees enumerated in the ...
More Bush Freedom Hokum by James Bovard October 1, 2008 Perhaps no American president has praised freedom as often as George W. Bush. From his declarations that the United States was attacked because of freedom, to the names “Operation Enduring Freedom” and “Operation Iraqi Freedom,” to his proclamations of a “calling” from history to defend freedom, freedom quickly became the cloak ...
The Court Almost Gets It Right on Guns by Sheldon Richman October 1, 2008 Advocates of freedom barely dodged a bullet when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that the right to keep and bear arms, the subject of the Second Amendment, is an individual not a collective right. Opponents of gun ownership have long maintained that the Amendment’s reference to the militia indicates that the right does not apply to private individuals. Thankfully, ...
The Corporate State Fails by Sheldon Richman October 1, 2008 According to popular myth, the current financial turmoil is the result of Bush administration deregulation. One problem with that theory: there was no deregulation. The last banking deregulation, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley bill, was signed by President Bill Clinton in 1999. Oops. Gramm-Leach-Bliley undid the New Deal-era Glass-Steagall ...
The Nanny State by Laurence M. Vance October 1, 2008 Whenever some new perceived crisis comes along, Americans typically look to the state as a problem solver. Are we running out of oil? The government should increase CAFE standards so that cars are more fuel-efficient. Is gas too expensive? The government should limit the profits of oil companies. Is the planet getting warmer? The government should mandate reductions in ...
Who Are You Calling Selfish? by Michael Tennant October 1, 2008 In an early episode of the television series Bewitched, Harold Harold (Paul Lynde), a highly nervous driving instructor, tries to teach Samantha Stephens (Elizabeth Montgomery) how to drive a car. At one point in the lesson he instructs her to go the wrong way in a traffic circle. Samantha, however, ...
The Authoritarianism of American Labor Law by George Leef October 1, 2008 American labor law is a dank miasma of special-interest legislation that tramples on the rights of some citizens in order to advance the interests of others. The main beneficiaries are labor-union officials who lobbied for and received extraordinary and unique powers from compliant politicians. The victims are business owners and workers who prefer to have ...
A Revolutionary Manifesto by Anthony Gregory October 1, 2008 The Revolution: A Manifesto by Ron Paul (New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2008); 173 pages. Ron Paul’s grassroots campaign — a decentralized undertaking that always had much more to do with the principles of the American Revolution, liberty, free enterprise, and peace than with narrowly defined electoral success — has ...
Milk Protectionism by Gary D. Barnett September 22, 2008 The headline recently in Missoula, Montana’s, daily newspaper, the Missoulian, was “Cheaper milk from Washington pulled from Missoula shelves.” Angry customers know this is obvious protectionism, but Montana milk producers say they only want a “safe” product for Montanans. Yeah, right! Certain stores in Missoula on Friday ...