Milton Friedman Was Wrong on Vouchers by Jacob G. Hornberger April 24, 2009 In an article I wrote in September 1990 entitled “Letting Go of Socialism,” I pointed out how public schooling is a model of a socialistic program. I also addressed the issue of school vouchers: But the real tragedy is that so many freedom devotees in America also won’t let go ...
End the Cuban Embargo! by Sheldon Richman April 23, 2009 Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro have nothing to talk about. While they do their diplomatic dance, the Cuban people are suffering because of the American trade embargo. It should end forthwith. The idea that trade between Americans and Cubans must await an American president’s say-so is an insult ...
Ten Terrible Truths About The CIA Torture Memos, Part 4 by Andy Worthington April 23, 2009 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 Andy Worthington, author of The Guantánamo Files, analyzes ten particularly disturbing facts to emerge from the four memos, purporting to justify the use of torture by the CIA, which were issued by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) in August 2002 and May ...
Ten Terrible Truths About The CIA Torture Memos, Part 3 by Andy Worthington April 22, 2009 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 Andy Worthington, author of The Guantánamo Files, analyzes ten particularly disturbing facts to emerge from the four memos, purporting to justify the use of torture by the CIA, which were issued by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) in August 2002 and ...
Ten Terrible Truths About The CIA Torture Memos, Part 2 by Andy Worthington April 21, 2009 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 Andy Worthington, author of The Guantánamo Files, analyzes ten particularly disturbing facts to emerge from the four memos, purporting to justify the use of torture by the CIA, which were issued by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) in August 2002 and May ...
Ten Terrible Truths About The CIA Torture Memos, Part 1 by Andy Worthington April 20, 2009 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 Andy Worthington, author of The Guantánamo Files, analyzes ten particularly disturbing facts to emerge from the four memos, purporting to justify the use of torture by the CIA, which were issued by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) in August 2002 and May ...
Clueless Obama by Sheldon Richman April 17, 2009 If President Obama doesn’t understand why the economy tanked, he surely won’t know what recovery requires. And if he doesn’t know that, he’s surely part of the problem, not the solution. In his speech on the economy at Georgetown University this week, Obama again showed that he hasn’t a clue what ...
FDR and Compulsory Unionism Destroyed Jobs by Jim Powell April 16, 2009 For decades, labor unions struggled for power, but until the 1930s they had made little headway. Unions were based on force and violence, which repelled a substantial number of employees as well as employers. The aim had been to raise the wages of members above market levels, but this was only ...
The Story of Ayman Batarfi, a Doctor in Guantánamo by Andy Worthington April 13, 2009 Andy Worthington, author of The Guantánamo Files, tells the strange story of Ayman Batarfi, a Yemeni doctor held as an “enemy combatant” for over seven years, whose release from Guantánamo was approved by the Obama administration’s Guantánamo review board on March 30. No one in the U.S. military ever doubted that Ayman Batarfi, a slim and articulate Yemeni, who ...
Taxation with Misrepresentation by Sheldon Richman April 10, 2009 It’s tax season. Consider what that means. It’s the time of year when you must account for yourself to the government. You must report every dime you earned last year, and if you believe any of it should be beyond the state’s grasp, you’d better have the proof. If the government ...
FDR’s Anti-Business Crusade by Jim Powell April 10, 2009 In 1938, after having spent many New Deal years signing laws that banned discounting and established cartels, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt denounced “the concentration of economic control” that many of his laws promoted. He went on the attack against big employers, even though, with unemployment still in double digits, ...
A Safer, Freer, and Wealthier America (video) by Bruce Fein April 9, 2009 On April 6, 2009, Bruce Fein gave the following speech at the “The Economic Liberty Lecture Series.” The speech can viewed below in its entirety.