Leftists Lose When People Move by Scott McPherson April 22, 2022 Over half of the American people believe the country is on the “wrong track,” according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released back in February. And it's not even close. Sixty-three percent expressed this concern. By comparison, just 24 percent are happy with the state of the nation. Republicans and Independents, 86 percent and 67 percent respectively, are most alarmed, but ...
No-Knock Raids Rip a Hole in the Fourth Amendment by John W. Whitehead April 20, 2022 “We’re all potential victims.”—Peter Christ, retired police officer It’s the middle of the night. Your neighborhood is in darkness. Your household is asleep. Suddenly, you’re awakened by a loud noise. Someone or an army of someones has crashed through your front door. The intruders are in your home. Your heart begins racing. Your stomach is tied in knots. The adrenaline is pumping ...
The Second Amendment Enshrines Our Right to Self-Defense by Scott McPherson April 18, 2022 On April 1, four criminal thugs broke into a man’s house in Longre, France. Responding as any reasonable human would, the homeowner fired twice at the intruders with a rifle, killing one of them. Despite the forced entry into his home, and the fact that the man was protecting not just himself but his three-year-old daughter, police have charged ...
Republicans Miss the Real Issue Regarding TSA Scanners by Laurence M. Vance April 15, 2022 The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is back in the news again, and, as usual, it is not because the agency did something noteworthy. The TSA was established by the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (S.1447) that was passed by the 107th Congress and signed into law by President George W. Bush on November 19, 2001. No Republicans ...
Confronting Evil Here at Home by Jacob G. Hornberger April 13, 2022 Americans have no difficulty identifying and confronting evil when it is found in foreign regimes. A good example is Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine. Most every American is easily able to identify the evil of that invasion and is more than willing to confront and oppose it. But as I point out in my new book An ...
‘We the People’ Are the New, Permanent Underclass in America by John W. Whitehead April 12, 2022 “We are now speeding down the road of wasteful spending and debt, and unless we can escape we will be smashed in inflation.”—Herbert Hoover This is financial tyranny. The U.S. government—and that includes the current administration—is spending money it doesn’t have on programs it can’t afford, and “we the taxpayers” are the ones who must foot the bill for the government’s ...
Tulsi Gabbard Gets It Half-Right by Scott McPherson April 7, 2022 An issue that is dominating headlines is the question of parental rights in education. Florida recently passed a law, falsely labeled the “Don't Say Gay” law, prohibiting educators from instructing pupils in kindergarten through third grade about sexual matters. “Progressives,” as a result, are having a hard time justifying their outrage. During a press conference, Fox News reporter ...
A Vicious Cycle in Blue: Police Violence Kills Three People a Day by John W. Whitehead April 5, 2022 “If you don't want to get shot, tased, pepper-sprayed, struck with a baton or thrown to the ground, just do what I tell you.”—Officer with the Los Angeles Police Department Police violence has not lessened. Police shootings have not abated. Police reforms have largely failed. In fact, according to the latest research, police violence kills three people a day. Despite all ...
Ukraine and Taiwan by Laurence M. Vance April 4, 2022 Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, some conservative hawks — like those connected with the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) — have been squawking about the need for the United States to not only pay close attention to Chinese leader Xi Jinping, lest China attack and conquer Taiwan, but also to increase aid to Taiwan. Writing in the Washington ...
Let’s End the Cold War Racket by Jacob G. Hornberger April 1, 2022 One of the most under-reported aspects of President John F. Kennedy’s term in office was his decision to end the Cold War and establish peaceful and friendly relations with the Soviet Union, Cuba, and the rest of the communist world. In 1963 America, that was a remarkable — and highly dangerous — thing for any president to do. After all, ...
The Latest Media Assault on Freedom by James Bovard April 1, 2022 Prominent journalists are calling for the media to champion a “pro-democracy” bias in how they portray politicians and government agencies. But tub-thumping for democracy — or at least for politicians who claim to be pro-democracy — is a poor substitute for exposing the proliferation of government abuses. Freedom will be the victim if journalists grasp a new pretext to ...
There Is No Federal Solution by Laurence M. Vance April 1, 2022 The twentieth century in the United States can certainly be characterized by the massive increase in federal solutions to right every wrong, correct every injustice, and fix every problem, real or imaginary. This mentality is what gave us things like the New Deal, Social Security, Prohibition, the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Civil Rights Act, the Fair Deal, the ...