Frightening Voters into Submission by James Bovard November 1, 2009 Former Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge has a new book out that reveals that he almost resigned because the Bush administration was hustling bogus terror alerts before the 2004 election. Ridge’s revelation was not surprising to people who had closely followed the tactics Bush used to snare a second term. During the 2004 campaign, residents of swing states were under ...
Nightline/Twitter Web Show — Debate: Do We Need Stricter Gun Control Laws? (Video) by Jacob G. Hornberger November 1, 2009 Debate: Do We Need Stricter Gun Control Laws? (Video)
Langdon, Stark, Bennington, and the Triumph of a Private Army, Part 3 by Scott McPherson November 1, 2009 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 The Battle of Bennington Despite some gallant and spirited attempts to resist Burgoyne’s advance through the summer of 1777, the Continental Army’s Northern Department, first under Horatio Gates, then under Philip Schuyler, then under Gates again, was not inspiring much confidence. “The withdrawal from Ticonderoga reinforced Stark’s view that the northern ...
Keynes and the Assault on Savings, Part 2 by Gregory Bresiger November 1, 2009 Part 1 | Part 2 The reason, I believe, that Keynes’s anti-saving, consume-more philosophy is politically popular is simple: Consumption is immediate and usually enjoyable. Saving requires self-discipline and patience. Also, the philosophy is remarkably bi-partisan. It fits in with the ideas of a massive and ever-growing welfare/warfare state. This ...
The Evil of Sanctions, Part 1 by Brian Cloughley November 1, 2009 Part 1 | Part 2 When strong governments wish to impose their will on weaker regimes, they often resort to sanctions. The effects have included the death or debilitation of millions of innocent people. Two good examples are Cuba, on which draconian U.S. sanctions have been enforced since 1960, and Iraq, where brutal sanctions were enforced from 1990 to ...
Intervention and Economic Crisis by Thomas E. Woods Jr. November 1, 2009 No supporter of the market economy could have been surprised when the recent financial crisis was inevitably blamed on “capitalism” and “deregulation.” The free market, we were told, was a recipe for financial instability. “Advocates of the free market must confront the fact that both the Great Depression and the current financial chaos were preceded by years of laissez-faire ...
Continued Incarceration of the Innocent by Andy Worthington October 26, 2009 After railing against Senators and Representatives for their cowardly, uninformed, and unacceptable attempts to prevent President Obama from bringing any Guantánamo prisoner to the U.S. mainland for any reason — even for trials — which I wrote about most recently in an article entitled “Dick Cheney’s Pawns On Guantánamo,” I’m delighted to report that, last Tuesday, the Senate ...
The New York Times Shines a Light into the JFK-CIA-Joannides Scandal by Jacob G. Hornberger October 19, 2009 Last Friday, October 16, the New York Times, for the first time, shined a light onto the JFK-CIA-Joannides scandal with a story entitled “C.I.A. Is Still Cagey About Oswald Mystery.” The story soon began appearing in other mainstream newspapers and on Internet websites. Never mind that the scandal has been brewing since 1998, ...
Finding New Homes for Cleared Guantánamo Prisoners by Andy Worthington October 13, 2009 In a recent article, “75 Guantánamo Prisoners Cleared For Release; 31 Could Leave Today,” I examined the implications of an announcement that 75 of the remaining 223 prisoners in Guantánamo have been cleared for release. This came by way of a list posted in the prison, identifying the prisoners by nationality, and a statement by a ...
Obama’s Tax on the Middle Class by Sheldon Richman October 12, 2009 President Obama has no intention of keeping his campaign promise not to raise taxes on the middle class. Hiding this will take some clever moves, but maybe, now that he has won the Nobel Peace Prize, he’s trying for an Olympic gold medal in mental gymnastics. The tax increase for the middle class will come ...
Eight Years of Big Lies on Afghanistan by James Bovard October 10, 2009 It seems like only yesterday that President George W. Bush was bragging about having brought freedom and democracy to 25 million Afghans, a key theme in his second inaugural address. For 8 years, the American people have been fed one big lie after another regarding Afghanistan. Now, when the Pentagon is saber-rattling to vastly increase the number of U.S. troops ...
The Great Depression and the Current Recession: Similarities and Differences (video) by Robert Higgs October 8, 2009 On October 5, 2009, Robert Higgs gave the following speech at The Future of Freedom Foundation’s “Economic Liberty Lecture Series.” The speech can viewed below in its entirety.