Not So Strange Health-Care Bedfellows by Sheldon Richman January 6, 2010 One thing can be said in behalf of the health-insurance overhaul currently shaping up in Washington: it has revealed the curious bedfellows that politics creates. Congress almost certainly will pass a bill that compels every American to have medical insurance. If his employer doesn’t offer it, he’ll have to buy it himself or be fined. This justifiably offends everyone who ...
The Liberal Assault on the Poor, Part 2 by Jacob G. Hornberger January 1, 2010 Part 1 | Part 2 When it comes to economic policy, liberals suffer from two major weaknesses. One, they believe that all that matters with respect to policy are good intentions. As long as liberals mean well, they think that the policies they implement, especially with respect to the poor, are justified. Two, they have a woeful lack of understanding of ...
The Phony Radicalism of Michael Moore by Sheldon Richman January 1, 2010 With phony radicals like Michael Moore around, the ruling elites have nothing to worry about. The filmmaker likes to pose as a radical critic of the status quo, but he isnt. All the evidence you need is in his latest documentary, Capitalism: A Love Story. Sure, he rails against home foreclosures, bank bailouts, low wages, and other real and imagined ...
The Bush Secrecy Legacy by James Bovard January 1, 2010 Many Americans assumed that the Bush administration’s peril to their freedom ended when George Bush exited the White House on January 20, 2009. Unfortunately, the precedents the administration established continue to threaten Americans’ rights and liberties. This is stark on government secrecy. Shortly after the 2000 election, Vice President-elect Richard Cheney convened a task force on energy policy. After he ...
How a Rich and Proud Nation Went Broke by Jim Powell January 1, 2010 Amidst a multitrillion dollar spending spree, President Obama apparently believes it’s inconceivable that a mighty nation such as the United States could go broke. Yet France, once the most powerful nation in Europe, went broke and was plunged into a revolution that consumed the king and queen. Germany was bankrupted by reparations following World War I as well as the ...
A Lesson in the (Re)distribution of Wealth by Edmund Contoski January 1, 2010 Through the company where I worked more than 35 years ago, I had an opportunity to meet an unusual man. I had not seen him since, but his recent obituary caught my eye. His name was Wayne Field, a name I’m sure few, if any, of you will recognize. In his 87 years he accomplished a great deal. He founded ...
New Deal Charades by George Leef January 1, 2010 New Deal or Raw Deal? by Burton Folsom Jr. (Threshold Editions, 2008); 318 pages. The New Deal rescued the United States from the terrible depression caused by the instability of our capitalist economy. Thats the standard line peddled to gullible Americans by most history books, historians, and politicians. It was not surprising when Republican Speaker of the House Newt ...
Serious Problems with Obama’s Plan to Move Guantánamo to Illinois by Andy Worthington December 21, 2009 Last Tuesday, in a letter to Illinois Governor Pat Quinn, five senior Obama administration officials — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Eric Holder, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair, and Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano —announced. that “the president has directed, with our unanimous support, that the ...
What Does It Take to Get Out of Obama’s Guantánamo? by Andy Worthington December 14, 2009 On August 21, District Court Judge Gladys Kessler granted the habeas corpus petition of Mohammed al-Adahi, a Yemeni prisoner in Guantánamo who was 39 years old when he was seized on a bus in Pakistan. I described the broad outline of al-Adahi’s story in my book The Guantánamo Files as follows: Married with two children, al-Adahi had never left ...
There’s No Such Thing as a Free Mammogram by Sheldon Richman December 10, 2009 Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) holds the distinction of being the first senator to offer a successful amendment to the big Senate health-care overhaul bill now being debated in Washington, D.C. It is a perfect lesson in what’s wrong with the political mentality. According to Mikulski’s news release, the amendment would “guarantee women access to preventive health care screenings and care ...
Cleared for Release and Still in Limbo by Andy Worthington December 7, 2009 In the first detailed announcement about prisoners cleared for release from Guantánamo since September 28, when a military spokesman announced that a list of 78 cleared prisoners had been posted in the prison, Defense Secretary Robert Gates told a Senate hearing last Thursday that officials were “in the process of identifying detainees that we believe can be ...
Kill the Insurance Mandate by Sheldon Richman December 4, 2009 If Congress manages to pass a health-insurance bill in the next few weeks, it will undoubtedly require every person to have medical coverage or pay a fine. If someone’s employer doesn’t offer a policy, he will be obligated to buy one for himself no matter how expensive. (Subsidies will be available to lower- and middle-income people.) Coverage is not likely ...