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Daily Articles

Obama’s Countdown to Failure on Guantánamo

Barring some frankly unattainable miracle, this will be the week that President Obama’s international credibility, regarding his promises to undo the Bush administration’s “war on terror” detention policies, takes a nosedive. The president began well, freezing the much-criticized military commissions trial system on his first day in office, and, on his second day, issuing executive orders requiring Guantánamo to ...

Guantánamo and Yemen: Obama Capitulates to Critics and Suspends Prisoner Transfers

For the last 12 days, since Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab slipped through every security net going, and allegedly tried and failed to blow up Northwest Airlines Flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit, Republican critics of Barack Obama have tried every trick in the book to undermine the president’s authority, with former Vice President Dick Cheney claiming that the incident demonstrated ...