The Jacob Hornberger Show: “The Libertarian Society” (Video) by Jacob G. Hornberger December 11, 2010 The Jacob Hornberger Show broadcasts live Saturday night at 7pm EST. Visit FFF's Ustream Channel to watch the show live. Download the MP3 here, or subscribe to the RSS feed
Economic Liberty Lecture Series by Bart Frazier December 10, 2010 Economic Liberty Lecture Series from The Future of Freedom Foundation on Vimeo. //
Wikileaks: Suppressing the Investigation of Torture by Andy Worthington December 7, 2010 In the relatively small number of U.S. diplomatic cables released to date by WikiLeaks, from its cache of 251,287 documents, the most disturbing revelations concerning the “war on terror” deal with the pressure that the Bush administration exerted on Germany in 2007, regarding the planned prosecution of thirteen CIA agents involved in the rendition and torture of Khaled El-Masri, ...
A Libertarian View of the Estate Tax by Laurence M. Vance December 6, 2010 The year 2010 is a good year to die. If you plan on dying anytime soon, then try to do so by the end of the year. Just ask the families of George Steinbrenner, Dan Duncan, Mary Janet Cargill, John Kluge, and Walter Shorenstein — all billionaires who died this year. Steinbrenner was the owner of the New York Yankees. Duncan ...
We All Have a Stake in the Outcome of this Battle by Jacob G. Hornberger December 4, 2010 We All Have a Stake in the Outcome of this Battle from The Future of Freedom Foundation on Vimeo. //
Drug-Warrior Hypocrisy by Laurence M. Vance December 3, 2010 Statists of every variety — left/right, liberal/conservative, Democrat/Republican, progressive/moderate — disagree vocally and often. Although these groups may argue among themselves and with each other about any number of issues — health care, education, Social Security, the environment, tax cuts, business regulations — they all have one thing in common. The statists are all paternalistic and believe in some ...
A Message from Jacob Hornberger by Jacob G. Hornberger December 2, 2010 Ever since I discovered libertarianism some 30 years ago, I have dreamed of a “great awakening” in which the American people discover our nation’s libertarian heritage and restore individual liberty, free markets, and a limited-government constitutional republic to our land. Every day more and more Americans are waking up and discovering that something is wrong in this country. They’re asking ...
Natural Rights, the Declaration, and the Constitution, Part 3 by Jacob G. Hornberger December 1, 2010 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 The Bill of Rights should actually have been called the Bill of Prohibitions because it actually doesn’t give any rights to anyone. Instead, it expressly prohibits the federal government from infringing the fundamental rights of the people. Our American ancestors understood that people’s rights don’t come from the government or from ...
The Neoconservative Obama Administration by Sheldon Richman December 1, 2010 President Barack Obama was far from candid when he announced the end of combat operations in Iraq in August — 50,000 troops and a large number of mercenaries remain — but in his speech he did nothing to hide his neoconservative outlook on the American empire. This was not lost on leading neoconservatives, who tend to prefer Republicans. William Kristol, ...
Defining Coercion Down by James Bovard December 1, 2010 Coercion is the essence of government in the same way that profit is the essence of private businesses. The state can impose new prohibitions and restrictions, create new penalties, or impose taxes in order to finance benefits. It is misleading to conceive of politicians as offering both carrots and sticks: Government must first use a stick to commandeer the ...
The Physiocrats by Wendy McElroy December 1, 2010 The Physiocrats, a group of 18th-century French economists, are often credited with founding Western political economy — the study of “laws” governing the production and distribution of wealth. The word “law” is not used in a legal sense. Rather it refers to a principle or governing rule, much as one might speak of the laws of physics. The Greek word ...
TSA Intrusion Is One Price of Empire by Sheldon Richman December 1, 2010 How gratifying to see Americans increasingly angry at the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for using offensive full-body scans and frisks in its latest production of what security expert Bruce Schneier calls “security theater.” The government would have us believe these measures are safe and effective, but its record for veracity is, to put it mildly, disgraceful. Meanwhile Schneier, an independent ...