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Daily Articles

Should Social Security Be Saved?

Speaking at a conference for a finance trade association in Chicago, former President George W. Bush said that the biggest failure of his administration was not privatizing Social Security. In 2001 the President’s Commission to Strengthen Social Security was formed. This bipartisan, 16-member commission issued a report that included three reform proposals, all of which allowed workers to voluntarily transfer ...

Managed Trade Is Not Free Trade

As libertarians have long pointed out, trade agreements like the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) and organizations like the World Trade Organization (WTO) are not free-trade agreements and organizations. Rather, they are managed-trade agreements and organizations that abdicate power to an international body, and in direct violation of the Constitution. As Congressman Ron Paul stated, We don’t need government ...

Don’t Support the Troops – Bring Them Home

Reversing long-standing policy, President Obama will now send condolence letters to the families of U.S. military personnel who commit suicide in combat zones. That’s nice. But he could prevent future suicides by bringing all the troops home and ending America’s interventionist foreign policy. “They didn’t die because they were weak,” Obama said. “And the fact that they didn’t get the help ...