Freedom Watch: The Attack of Ron Paul (video) Fox Business News by Jacob G. Hornberger December 20, 2011 Future of Freedom Foundation Founder Jacob Hornberger tells FBNs Ashley Webster why Ron Paul is turning up the heat on his competitors for the 2012 nomination as he surges in the polls. Watch the latest video at
Frustrated with Immigrants? Just Wait until They Leave by Fergus Hodgson December 20, 2011 The enforcement of laws against illegal immigrants remains a bone of contention between states and the federal government (and on the GOP presidential campaign trail), and the U.S. Supreme Court has now agreed to weigh in on the issue. There is, however, an irony to this battle that appears to be lost on deportation proponents: many people ...
Outrage over Body Parts of War Dead Is Misdirected by Laurence M. Vance December 20, 2011 There didn't seem to be a lot of outrage last month when it was reported by the Washington Post that the Dover Air Force Base mortuary had for years been disposing of the unidentified remains of U.S. soldiers by cremating them and then dumping the ashes in a landfill in King George County, Virginia. The Dover mortuary receives ...
Who Was the Real Thomas Jefferson? by Thomas E. Woods Jr. December 20, 2011 Liberty, State, & Union: The Political Theory of Thomas Jefferson by Luigi Marco Bassani (Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 2010); 277 pages. No one doubts that our understanding of historical figures may need to be revisited from time to time. But academic specialists have been known to overreach. To portray a historical figure in a light exactly opposed to the ...
Wisconsin Invoices the Exercise of Rights by Wendy McElroy December 19, 2011 Despite a proclaimed opposition to new taxes, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has advanced a policy that amounts to a new and draconian tax. People will have to pay the state for the privilege of free speech and assembly. To exercise those rights in or outside state facilities will entail permits at least seventy-two hours in advance and potentially prohibitive ...
We Need Your Support: Video Message 3 FFF Email Update by Jacob G. Hornberger December 19, 2011 A Message from Jacob Hornberger - Video 3 from The Future of Freedom Foundation on Vimeo.
A Bill of Guarantees by Rich Schwartzman December 16, 2011 The best document ever written to preserve the liberty of a free people isn't a complete document at all, but just a part of one. Its the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Those ten paragraphs capture the essence of what it means to govern a government. Are they perfect? No, but how much in ...
Conditions at Guantánamo Under Scrutiny by Andy Worthington December 16, 2011 Last week, the Associated Press reported that officials at Guantánamo, stung by lawyers criticism of conditions in a disciplinary block known as Five Echo, had fought back against claims that the cells are too small to be regarded as humane and that the toilets are inadequate, the lights are too bright, and the air in the cells ...
Has War against Iran Already Begun? by Sheldon Richman December 16, 2011 The U.S. government lost a spy drone over Iran. Is it part of an ongoing covert war? Either Iranian forces shot it down or it fell out of the sky. We may never know which, but now the Obama administration wants it back. Iran says no. It is apparently studying the crafts advanced stealth and other technology and perhaps attempting ...
Freedom Watch (Fox Business Channel): The U.S.’s March Toward Totalitarianism? (video) by Jacob G. Hornberger December 15, 2011 Watch the latest video at
FDRs Noble Lie by Tim Kelly December 15, 2011 Soon after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, rumors began to circulate challenging the official narrative that it was an unprovoked surprise attack. The cumulative evidence gathered over the last seventy years by scholars, journalists, and investigators vindicates those suspicious of treachery from the top; for it comprises a solid circumstantial case that Franklin D. ...
Iraq: The End of the Affair RT Russia Today by Jacob G. Hornberger December 13, 2011 Jacob Hornberger, founder of the Future of Freedom Foundation, believes the US has imposed a dictatorship that just happens to be democratically elected on the Iraqi people. You've got a regime that is dictatorial in every sense of the word, Hornberger told RT. And there are people there who are never going to accept a regime that came into existence ...