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Daily Articles

Scott Horton Interviews Jacob Hornberger (Audio)

Scott Horton interviews Jacob Hornberger about his article, “It’s Again Time to Dismantle the Cold War Military Machine,” how Americans are kept in a perpetual state of fear so massive military budgets seem like a necessity; the Pentagon’s latest make-work project, fighting the War on Drugs in Honduras; how ending drug prohibition would decrease problems with gangs, violence, and public ...

Soldier of Empire

Soldier, soldier, how you soar Aloft in that elevated status Reserved to those who trade In war and oppression. Soldier, soldier, do not fear; You’ll never hear an unkindness — Insulated from the truth Of murder and rapine. Soldier, soldier, may you take This blue-blood daughter’s hand? Honored would her father be To hear tales of empire. Soldier, soldier, how is it that Across the spectrum of politeness We speak of hope and ...

Britain’s “Fat and Fags” Health Policy

A terrible term has entered the healthcare debate now raging in Britain: “lifestyle rationing.” Given the predictability with which social trends cross the Atlantic, and given a looming Obamacare, Americans would be wise to eavesdrop closely on this conversation. “Lifestyle rationing” refers to denying medical care to those who make unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as smoking and becoming obese. At ...