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Daily Articles

As the Underwear Bomber Receives a Life Sentence in Federal Court, Lawmakers Obsession with Military Trials Looks Idiotic

Last Thursday, February 16, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the so-called underwear bomber, received a life sentence in a courtroom in Detroit. Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian, had tried and failed to blow up a plane bound for Detroit on Christmas Day 2009, receiving serious burns when the bomb failed to detonate. After he was apprehended, he was read his Miranda rights and ...

FFF/YAL Civil Liberties College Tour: War on Terrorism, Civil Liberties, and the Constitution (videos)

In the second week of February 2012, the Future of Freedom Foundation and Young Americans for Liberty cosponsored a panel entitled "The War on Terrorism, the Constitution, and Civil Liberties" that included Bruce Fein, Glenn Greenwald, and FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger. The panel visited Columbia University in New York, Indiana University/Purdue University in Indianapolis, Middle Tennessee State University ...