The Government Wants to Silence the Opposition by John W. Whitehead August 18, 2022 “Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.” — President Harry S. Truman Militarized police. Riot squads. ...
The Problem with Marijuana Legalization by Laurence M. Vance August 16, 2022 Although the medical use of marijuana has been legalized in 37 states, its recreational use is legal only in 19 states. (South Dakota voters approved a recreational marijuana initiative in the 2020 election, but it was overturned by a state circuit judge and upheld by the state supreme court.) That is still a lot of states ...
Help FFF Restore Sound Money by Jacob G. Hornberger August 11, 2022 Gas prices are at an all-time high. Rents are skyrocketing. Prices at the grocery store are surging. Prices of new and used cars are spiraling out of control. That’s what happens when the Federal Reserve debases the currency by inflating the money supply, which the Fed has been doing for the past several years and, actually, since its inception ...
The Three I’s of a Police State Education: Indoctrination, Intimidation & Intolerance by John W. Whitehead August 4, 2022 “Every day in communities across the United States, children and adolescents spend the majority of their waking hours in schools that have increasingly come to resemble places of detention more than places of learning.”—Investigative journalist Annette Fuentes This is what it means to go back-to-school in America today. Instead of making the schools safer, government officials are making them more ...
Libertarianism, Birth Control, and Religious Accommodations by Laurence M. Vance August 3, 2022 Who would have thought that birth control would be in the news in 2022? The House of Representatives recently passed the Right to Contraception Act (H.R.8373). The bill “sets out statutory protections for an individual's right to access and a health care provider's right to provide contraception and related information.” The vote was 228–195, with just eight Republicans voting ...
America’s Culture of Death by Jacob G. Hornberger August 1, 2022 In the wake of another mass shooting, this one in Uvalde, Texas, there have been the standard, predictable calls for gun control. The idea is that if more stringent gun-control laws are enacted, there will be fewer mass shootings. That’s simply ludicrous reasoning. When a person wants to kill a lot of people, he is going to be able to ...
Lessons from Biden’s Disinformation Board Debacle by James Bovard August 1, 2022 President Biden’s campaign to banish (or maybe outlaw) political paranoia took a wallop last spring. In April, the Department of Homeland Security proudly announced that it had created a new Disinformation Governance Board. The following month, the board’s chairman resigned, and Biden administration officials claimed the board was being “paused.” But it remains in the wings awaiting the White ...
It’s Up to Them by Laurence M. Vance August 1, 2022 President Joe Biden has done it again. He’s committed another gaffe. But this comes as no surprise since he acknowledged during a stop on his book tour in 2018 that he was “a gaffe machine,” and has not stopped proving the truth of that statement ever since. In late December of last year, Biden spoke with state governors on a ...
Out of Control Government and Isaiah’s Job by Richard M. Ebeling August 1, 2022 It is very difficult to be a classical liberal or libertarian and not experience bouts of disappointment, frustration, and outright pessimism. The world around us seems to be going to hell in a handbasket. Government continues to grow and, apparently, is out of control. For example, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its semiannual Budget and Economic Outlook, 2022-2032 in ...
Now That Inflation Is Back, Here’s the Book to Read by George Leef August 1, 2022 Inflation: What It Is, Why It’s Bad, and How to Fix It by Steve Forbes, Nathan Lewis, and Elizabeth Ames (Encounter Books, 2022). We have been through this many times before — prices start to increase at an accelerating pace and consumers grumble about inflation, while politicians try to pin the blame for it on parties other than ...
The Genetic Panopticon by John W. Whitehead July 28, 2022 “Solving unsolved crimes is a noble objective, but it occupies a lower place in the American pantheon of noble objectives than the protection of our people from suspicionless law-enforcement searches… Make no mistake about it…your DNA can be taken and entered into a national DNA database if you are ever arrested, rightly or wrongly, and for whatever reason… Perhaps ...
Digital Authoritarianism: AI Surveillance Signals the Death of Privacy by John W. Whitehead July 21, 2022 “There are no private lives. This a most important aspect of modern life. One of the biggest transformations we have seen in our society is the diminution of the sphere of the private. We must reasonably now all regard the fact that there are no secrets and nothing is private. Everything is public.” ― Philip K. Dick Nothing is private. We ...