From Totalitarian Paranoia to Authoritarian Madness by John W. Whitehead December 29, 2022 The danger signs were everywhere in 2022. With every new law enacted by federal and state legislatures, every new ruling handed down by government courts, and every new military weapon, invasive tactic and egregious protocol employed by government agents, we were reminded that in the eyes of the government and its corporate accomplices, “we the people” possess no rights except ...
Spreading the Light of Liberty by Jacob G. Hornberger December 21, 2022 Imagine a large, dark, windowless room filled with hundreds of people. Then imagine that one person lights a small candle, bringing a ray of light to that dark room. That person uses his candle to light someone else’s candle, bringing a bit more light to the room. Each person with a lit candle then lights someone else’s candle. Before ...
Free Trade Is a Human Right by Laurence M. Vance December 16, 2022 Did the United States really give China $309 billion this year? Some conservatives think so. Now, it is certainly true, as conservatives regularly point out, that China is no “people’s republic.” According to the U.S. State Department’s 2021 report on human rights practices in China: “The People’s Republic of China is an authoritarian state in which the ...
The Surveillance State Is Making a List, and You’re On It by John W. Whitehead December 14, 2022 He sees you when you’re sleeping He knows when you’re awake He knows when you’ve been bad or good So be good for goodness’ sake! —“Santa Claus Is Coming to Town” You’d better watch out—you’d better not pout—you’d better not cry—‘cos I’m telling you why: this Christmas, it’s the Surveillance State that’s making a list and checking it twice, and it won’t matter whether ...
The Constitution Has Already Been Terminated by John W. Whitehead December 9, 2022 “That was when they suspended the Constitution. They said it would be temporary.”—Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale If there is one point on which there should be no political parsing, no legal jockeying, and no disagreement, it is this: for anyone to advocate terminating or suspending the Constitution is tantamount to a declaration of war against the founding ...
Why Should Americans Have to Vote to Legalize Marijuana? by Laurence M. Vance December 2, 2022 In addition to the thousands of candidates running for federal, state, and local offices in the recent midterm election, voters in 37 states also had the option of deciding on 132 statewide ballot measures. Five of those ballot measures were related to marijuana. The federal government classifies marijuana as a Schedule I controlled substance under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) ...
We Don’t Need No Regulation (or Statist Education) by Robert E. Wright December 1, 2022 Like the long line of school children who mindlessly marched into Pink Floyd’s meat grinder in The Wall, an estimated one million investors recently fell victim to Sam Bankman-Fried’s crypto grinder. The fiasco’s silver lining is that it proves that Americans need neither statist schooling nor government regulation, two insidiously intertwined institutions. Soon after cryptocurrency exchange FTX failed about a ...
How We Got a National-Security Police State, Part 2 by Jacob G. Hornberger December 1, 2022 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 The coin of the realm in any national-security state is fear. In order to induce people to surrender their rights and freedoms, officials have to inculcate deep fear within them. Thus, national-security officials are constantly coming up with official foreign enemies, opponents, rivals, and adversaries, as well as crises, to ...
Biden’s Bloated IRS Will Skewer Taxpayers by James Bovard December 1, 2022 The Internal Revenue Service is perhaps the ultimate sacred cow in Washington. It is the “goose that lays the golden eggs” for the city’s power and prestige, delivering trillions of dollars to politicians to work miracles (or at least get reelected). When criticism erupted over the 87,000 new revenooers to be hired thanks to Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, Washington’s ...
The Free Market Can and Should Be Absolute by Laurence M. Vance December 1, 2022 The 1932 Democratic Party platform advocated “the removal of government from all fields of private enterprise except where necessary to develop public works and natural resources in the common interest.” But since the advent of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal — a raw deal for Americans that raised taxes; forced most manufacturing industries into cartels with codes that regulated prices; paid ...
Monetary Freedom Instead of Central Banking by Richard M. Ebeling December 1, 2022 The United States and most of the rest of the world are, once again, in the midst of an inflationary crisis. Prices in general are rising at annualized rates not experienced by, especially, the industrialized countries of North America and Europe for well over 40 years. More than 50 percent of the U.S. population is under 40 years of ...
The Historical Foundation of Civil Liberties, Part 2 by Tom G. Palmer December 1, 2022 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 This article is from a transcript of the opening presentation of FFF’s September 21, 2021, conference “Restoring Our Civil Liberties.” In the later classical period, a new system, which came to be known as democracy, emerged, notably in Athens. It was based on the liberty of the citizens and was ...