What the Immigration Bill Overlooks by Sheldon Richman July 9, 2013 In passing the monstrosity known as immigration “reform,” the Senate overlooked a few things of importance. This is unsurprising. A bill on immigration that is backed by leading Republicans and Democrats, big business, and government-co-opted unions is bound to have missed some things. The bill, whose fate in the House is uncertain, would appropriate $40 billion over the next decade ...
The AF1 Tapes and Subsequent Events at Andrews AFB on November 22, 1963 by Douglas Horne July 8, 2013 At my request, a friend of mine, psychologist Steven Kossor of Pennsylvania, recently used the sophisticated audio equipment he employs in his hobby as an audiophile to create an enhanced excerpt for me of the key passages in the Clifton version of the “Air Force One Tapes” (the GPO/NARA version released to the public in 2012, based on the ...
TGIF: Airbrushing Barbarity by Sheldon Richman July 5, 2013 “As the base rhetorician uses language to increase his own power, to produce converts to his own cause, and to create loyal followers of his own person – so the noble rhetorician uses language to wean men away from their inclination to depend on authority, to encourage them to think and speak clearly, and to teach them to be ...
Creating a Culture of Denunciation by Wendy McElroy July 2, 2013 On June 10, the Guardian featured an article entitled “Edward Snowden: Saving Us from the United Stasi of America” by Daniel Ellsberg of Pentagon Papers fame. He stated, The NSA, FBI, and CIA have, with the new digital technology, surveillance powers over our own citizens that the Stasi — the secret police in the former “democratic republic” of ...
FFF Webinar: The Illusion of Recovery (audio) by Sheldon Richman July 2, 2013 On April 9, 2013, FFF vice president and editor Sheldon Richman hosted a free, interactive online webinar entitled “The Illusion of Recovery.” The webinar was an interactive experience with Sheldon and particiapants. Download the audio. Subscribe to FFF podcasts.
The Libertarian Angle: The Latest Immigration Crisis (video) by Future of Freedom Foundation July 1, 2013 Jacob Hornberger and Sheldon Richman discuss immigration policy and the immigration bill currently before Congress. The Libertarian Angle airs weekly.
A Key to the Present: A Message from Jacob Hornberger by Jacob G. Hornberger July 1, 2013 Dear Friend of Freedom, Friends of FFF often point out that the ever-burgeoning group of college-aged libertarians is the key to the future. That’s true, but I think they’re more than that. I believe they are also a key to the present. Last year, The Future of Freedom Foundation, in conjunction with the Young Americans for Liberty ...
Terrorism and the Bill of Rights by Jacob G. Hornberger July 1, 2013 In the aftermath of the Boston bombings last spring, GOP Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham and others called on Barack Obama to treat the surviving suspect in the bombings, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, as an “enemy combatant” rather than as a criminal defendant. The episode highlighted the revolutionary change in the relationship of the American people to the federal government ...
The Market Is a Beautiful Thing by Sheldon Richman July 1, 2013 Market advocates tend to respect the intellect of their fellow human beings. You can tell by their reliance on philosophical, moral, economic, and historical arguments when trying to persuade others. But what if most people’s aversion to the market isn’t founded on philosophy, morality, economics, or history? What if their objection is aesthetic? More and more I’ve come to think ...
Obama’s Latest Democracy Scam by James Bovard July 1, 2013 In his campaign earlier this year to subvert the Second Amendment, Barack Obama unveiled one of the oldest tricks in the demagogue playbook. Speaking in Colorado, he scoffed at Americans who say, “I need a gun to protect myself from the government” or “We can’t do background checks because the government is going to come take our guns away.” Obama ...
The War on Americans by David S. D'Amato July 1, 2013 That the consumption of certain drugs ought to be proscribed by law is probably taken for granted by most people. The presumption in favor of banning some drugs has become so strong, so embedded in the mainstream of popular discourse as to be practically beyond debate — notwithstanding either philosophical or empirical issues that stand in contradiction to the ...
Stupidity or Plan? by Scott Horton July 1, 2013 Are America’s disasters abroad a result of stupidity or some elaborate plan? An observer of modern U.S. foreign policy can be torn on that one. It makes sense that generals, contractors, and other national-security state types will invent and follow a deliberate policy of divide and rule, as well as to create crises to move on to the next big job. ...