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Daily Articles

Fighting to Win: A Message from Jacob Hornberger

Imagine how despondent statists must have been in the late 1800s. The vast majority of Americans were continuing to embrace the fundamental principle proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence: that everyone has been endowed with inherent, natural, God-given rights which no government can legitimately infringe. Our American ancestors were living in a society that was, indeed, unique and exceptional in ...

TGIF: The Moral Case for Freedom Is the Practical Case for Freedom

If I say that a government activity — “public” schooling, perhaps, or the war on selected drug merchants and users — helps turn the inner cities into hellholes and otherwise makes people’s lives miserable, is that a moral objection or a practical (utilitarian or generally consequentialist) objection? Some libertarians are inclined to say it’s a utilitarian objection, but I’ve long ...

Conspiracies Are Inherent to the National-Security State

I’m always fascinated — and somewhat amused — by articles that pooh-pooh the possibility of a national-security state conspiracy in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The authors of such articles say that national-security state conspiracies just don’t happen. They say that the reason that assassination researchers point to a conspiracy involving the CIA and the military in ...