The U.S. Executions of Charles Horman and Frank Teruggi, Part 3 by Jacob G. Hornberger December 1, 2014 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 As soon as World War II ended, the U.S. government proceeded to convert the Soviet Union from a wartime partner and ally to a new official enemy of the United States, one that Americans were told posed a greater threat ...
Bastiat on the Socialization of Wealth by Sheldon Richman December 1, 2014 That … veil which is spread before the eyes of the ordinary man, which even the attentive observer does not always succeed in casting aside, prevents us from seeing the most marvelous of all social phenomena: real wealth constantly passing from the domain of private property into the communal domain. Wealth marvelously passing from the private to the communal domain? ...
The Food-Security Charade by James Bovard December 1, 2014 Federal spending on food aid has skyrocketed in recent decades, and the feds are now feeding more than 100 million Americans. Yet, according to the Agriculture Department (USDA), far more Americans are “food insecure” now than before the mushrooming of subsidized feeding programs. But rather than seeing this as evidence of a government failure, a chorus of activists and ...
The Origins and Intentions of Copyright by Joseph S. Diedrich December 1, 2014 In a victory for media Goliaths, the Supreme Court recently ruled that TV-streaming service Aereo “perform ... copyrighted works publicly” and therefore violated copyright law. The ghost of Grokster haunts us. Napster rolls in its grave. Copyright’s muscular hands have once again strangled innovation. What is the purpose of copyright law? Conventional wisdom asserts that it protects the rights of ...
Uniting Constitutional Protection for Economic and Social Liberties, Part 2: The Great Depression and the Great Divide by Steven Horwitz December 1, 2014 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 In part 1, I traced the evolution of “substantive due process” jurisprudence under which the Supreme Court protected a variety of unenumerated rights, both economic and personal, through the Due Process Clause of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. Many of the unenumerated rights that had been protected ...
“Both Together, They Made a Very Good Book” by Joseph R. Stromberg December 1, 2014 The Great Debate: Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, and the Birth of Left and Right by Yuval Levin (Basic Books 2014), 235 pages. Yuval Levin’s well-written Great Debate is full of useful material, understandable explanation, and interesting reflections. It flows along smoothly and even entertainingly, unless that is a cuss word in serious circles. Levin goes through the Burke-Paine controversy ...
Ignoring the Difference between Free markets and State Capitalism by Kevin Carson December 1, 2014 Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty, translated by Arthur Goldhammer (Belknap 2014), 696 pages. The basic phenomenon that Thomas Piketty devotes this book to describing is simple: “When the rate of return on capital significantly exceeds the growth rate of the economy..., then it logically follows that inherited wealth grows faster than output and income.” His historical account ...
Thanksgiving: Celebrating the Birth of Free Enterprise in America by Richard M. Ebeling November 27, 2014 This time of the year, whether in good economic times or bad, is when Americans gather with their families and friends and enjoy a Thanksgiving meal together. It marks a remembrance of those early Pilgrim Fathers who crossed the uncharted ocean from Europe to make a new start in Plymouth, Massachusetts. What is less appreciated is that Thanksgiving ...
FFF Needs Your Help: How I Discovered Libertarianism (video #2) by Jacob G. Hornberger November 26, 2014 Please consider supporting the work of The Future of Freedom Foundation. You can donate here.
The Libertarian Angle: The Uber Insurgency by Future of Freedom Foundation November 25, 2014 FFF president Jacob Hornberger and FFF vice president Sheldon Richman discuss the hot topics of the day. This week: Uber's undermining the taxi monopoly. The Libertarian Angle airs weekly. Go to the podcast.
TGIF: Unjust Immigration Law Is Not Law by Sheldon Richman November 21, 2014 So President Obama is going to defer deportation of five million people without government papers, mostly parents of children whom the government deems citizens or legal permanent residents. Under his executive order, most will get permission to work. Obama will also increase the number of “dreamers” — children brought here illegally by their parents and raised in the United States ...
Religion and Public Education by Laurence M. Vance November 20, 2014 There was more at stake in the recent elections than the election of candidates. All across the country there were state and county ballot initiatives relating to public education. Their main theme, of course, was more money for public-school classrooms and teachers — which, of course, also means more money for education bureaucrats to oversee the classrooms and the ...