Libertarian Angle: History of Economic Thought, Part 5 by Future of Freedom Foundation February 17, 2016 In this segment, Richard Ebeling and Jacob Hornberger discuss the rise of the Austrian school of economic thought and its contributions. Go to the podcast.
The Follies and Fallacies of Keynesian Economics by Richard M. Ebeling February 16, 2016 Eighty years ago, on February 4, 1936, one of the most influential books of the last one hundred years was published, British economist, John Maynard Keynes’s The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. With it was born what has become known as Keynesian Economics. Within less than a decade after its appearance, the ideas in The General Theory ...
Neill Franklin: The Drug War Against Black America (video) by Neill Franklin February 15, 2016 This is a speech delivered by Neill Franklin (Law Enforcement Against Drug Prohibition) at a conference entitled “The Drug War Against Black America” held on November 14, 2015, at Morgan State University in Baltimore. The conference was co-sponsored by The Future of Freedom Foundation and the Pre-Law Association at Morgan State.
Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk: Leading Austrian Economist and Finance Minister of Fiscal Restraint by Richard M. Ebeling February 12, 2016 We live at a time when politicians and bureaucrats only know one public policy: more and bigger government. Yet, there was a time when even those who served in government defended limited and smaller government, one of them being the Austrian economist Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk who was born 165 years ago today, on February 12, 1851. Böhm-Bawerk is famous as ...
Kassandra Frederique: The Drug War Against Black America (video) by Kassandra Frederique February 12, 2016 This is a speech delivered by Kassandra Frederique (Drug Policy Alliance) at a conference entitled “The Drug War Against Black America” held on November 14, 2015, at Morgan State University in Baltimore. The conference was co-sponsored by The Future of Freedom Foundation and the Pre-Law Association at Morgan State.
Dangerous Speech: Would the Founders Be Considered Domestic Extremists Today? by John W. Whitehead February 11, 2016 “If you can’t say ‘F***’ you can’t say, ‘F*** the government.’” ― Lenny Bruce Not only has free speech become a four-letter word—profane, obscene, uncouth, not to be uttered in so-called public places—but in more and more cases, the government deems free speech to be downright dangerous and in some instances illegal. The U.S. government has become particularly intolerant ...
Bernie Sanders: Revolutionary Stuck in Reverse by Will Tippens February 11, 2016 I get why people like Bernie Sanders. He seems like a genuine person. Most of his funding comes from grassroots donors and he has a mostly deserved outsider status. He’s honest about his political beliefs, and isn’t afraid to call himself a socialist. He has all the rancorous charm of Peter Finch in the 1976 film, Network : He’s ...
America’s Fiscal Debt Bomb Caused by the Welfare State by Richard M. Ebeling February 10, 2016 Portuguese The news is filled with the everyday zigzags of those competing against each other for the Democrat and Republican Party nominations to run for the presidency of the United States. But one of the most important issues receiving little or no attention in this circus of political power lusting is the long-term danger from the ...
The Drug War Against Black America (video) by Radley Balko February 10, 2016 This is a speech delivered by Washington Post columnist Radley Balko at a conference entitled "The Drug War Against Black America" held on November 14, 2015, at Morgan State University in Baltimore. The conference was co-sponsored by The Future of Freedom Foundation and the Pre-Law Association at Morgan State. The introducer is a member ...
The Libertarian Angle: History of Economic Thought, Part 4 by Future of Freedom Foundation February 9, 2016 In this segment, Richard Ebeling and Jacob Hornberger discuss the rise of the Austrian school of economic thought and its contributions.
Joseph Schumpeter: the “Father” of Capitalist “Creative Destruction” by Richard M. Ebeling February 8, 2016 Today is Austrian-born economist, Joseph A. Schumpeter’s, birthday. Born on February 8, 1883, he died on January 8, 1950. Schumpeter is famous as a leading 20th century formulator of the notion of the entrepreneur as dynamic innovator of change, and also as a master of the history of economic ideas. Trained as an economist at the University of Vienna in ...
The Clinton-Sanders-Republican Principles of Taxation by Laurence M. Vance February 5, 2016 The number of votes they got at the recent Iowa caucuses is not the only way that former senator Hillary Clinton and current senator Bernie Sanders are very close. Both have proposed new government programs throughout their campaigns. And because their new government programs must be paid for, both Clinton and Sanders have put forward new tax plans to ...