The Libertarian Angle – The Interventionism of the Two World Wars by Future of Freedom Foundation May 10, 2016 In this segment, Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss the horrible results stemming from the foreign policy interventions of World War I and World War II. Go to the podcast.
Setting the Record Straight: How Stalin Used Hitler To Start World War II by Richard M. Ebeling May 9, 2016 For the Russians, May 9, 1945 is the day marking the end of the Second World War in Europe, and it is celebrated every year, including this one, with a giant military parade through Red Square in Moscow. For the former Soviet and now the post-communist Russian government, it is hailed as the day that “Soviet power” under the ...
Libertarian Angle: Trump versus Clinton by Future of Freedom Foundation May 6, 2016 In this segment, Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss the upcoming presidential race between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
The Free Market at Work by Laurence M. Vance May 5, 2016 Even with all the government licensing, regulation, and oversight that American businesses are burdened with, the United States still has a relatively free market compared with most other countries. This is especially true on the consumer side. One of the great weapons that consumers have is the boycott. Let’s look at some high-profile boycotts and then see what it is ...
Don’t Sleep Through the Revolution: A Graduation Message for a Dark Age by John W. Whitehead May 3, 2016 “The most striking fact about the story of Rip Van Winkle is not that he slept 20 years, but that he slept through a revolution. While he was peacefully snoring up on the mountain, a great revolution was taking place in the world - indeed, a revolution which would, at points, change the course of history. And ...
How I Became a Libertarian and an Austrian Economist by Richard M. Ebeling May 2, 2016 I suppose I can date my interest in both libertarianism and Austrian Economics from the day I was born. The doctor grabbed me by my little feet, turned me upside down and spanked my tiny bottom. I began to cry out. That is when I realized the fundamental axiom that, “man acts.” In addition, I ...
Why I Favor Limited Government, Part 3 by Jacob G. Hornberger May 1, 2016 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 There are two important points that one should recognize about the anarchy paradigm. First, under anarchy, there would no longer be a United States of America, and no longer would there be any U.S. citizens. There also ...
Bipartisan Battering of Freedom by James Bovard May 1, 2016 For more than 40 years, Republicans have been promising to cut federal spending. In the same period, federal outlays have inched up by a few trillion dollars. But the Grand Old Party continues singing the same song — though voters may finally be losing confidence in the opposition team. The latest pratfall occurred last December, once again illustrating that Republican ...
Conservatism and Libertarianism by Laurence M. Vance May 1, 2016 When conservative politicians are trying to get the votes of libertarians and “libertarian-leaning” Republicans, they often tout the supposed affinity between conservatism and libertarianism. They claim that there is a conservative and libertarian confluence of thought on many issues. They maintain that because the real enemy of conservatism and libertarianism is liberalism, conservatives and libertarians stand on common ground. ...
Regulatory Tyranny by David S. D'Amato May 1, 2016 Having considered the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the 1937 case of West Coast Hotel v. Parrish in the March 2016 issue of Future of Freedom, a case in which the jurisprudential tide turned in favor of deference to comprehensive social and economic legislation, a look at the earlier case of Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States is in ...
The Revolution of Rising Expectations by Wendy McElroy May 1, 2016 Starving peasants storm the Bastille because oppression has driven them beyond the limits of human endurance. It is the quintessential image of political revolution. But what if it is wrong? Or what if there is an equally powerful force that also creates revolution and contradicts this received image? The phrase “a revolution of rising expectations” became popular after World War ...
The Empire versus Little America by Bill Kauffman May 1, 2016 Former Arkansas Sen. William Fulbright said in 1967, “The price of empire is America’s soul, and that price is too high.” War, expansion, the maintenance of a large standing army: these corrupt a country, as poets from James Russell Lowell to Wendell Berry have tried to tell us. The Vietnam or Iraq War may level villages across the sea but ...