Muhammad Ali and America’s Slave Society by Jacob G. Hornberger February 27, 2017 In an era in which vilification of Islam and Muslims has become a popular activity for many, it was ironic and somewhat humorous to see nearly everyone in American celebrating the life of Muhammad Ali, who was undoubtedly the most famous American Muslim in U.S. history. As most people know, it wasn’t always like that. When Ali refused to comply ...
The Police State Is Alive and Well by John W. Whitehead February 24, 2017 “What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could understand it, it could ...
The Seasonal Republican Welfare Program by Laurence M. Vance February 23, 2017 The period from about the last week in February to the end of March is like a second Christmas season for some businesses. It is the time when millions of Americans receive their income tax refunds and suddenly have extra hundreds, and even thousands, of dollars to spend. But all tax refunds are not created equal. Many Americans will ...
The Zero-Sum World of Donald Trump by Richard M. Ebeling February 23, 2017 Few American presidential elections have drawn as much international interest and concern as the one in 2016. Certainly, who is elected and sits in the White House in Washington, D. C. matters to many people everywhere since America remains a political, economic and military colossus influencing major and minor events around the globe. Yet, the anxiousness about the possibility and ...
Doug Bandow: Time to End the War on Drugs by Doug Bandow February 22, 2017 Watch Doug Bandow present his perspectives on why America needs to end the war on drugs. This presentation is part of FFF’s Drug War Video Project, whose aim is to accelerate the end of this immoral and destructive government program.
The Libertarian Angle: Minimum Wage and Free Trade by Future of Freedom Foundation February 21, 2017 FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling, along with special guest Donald J. Boudreaux, discuss the economics of the minimum wage and free trade. Go to the podcast.
Economic Ideas: Karl Marx’s Misconceptions about Man and Markets by Richard M. Ebeling February 20, 2017 Though it may seem strange, Karl Marx was not always a communist. As late as 1842, when Marx was in his mid-20s, he actually said he opposed any attempt to establish a communist system. In October 1842, he became editor of the Rheinische Zeitung , and wrote in an editorial: The Rheinische Zeitung . . . does not ...
Vouchers, Thy Name Is Welfare by Laurence M. Vance February 17, 2017 Elisabeth “Betsy” DeVos — whose father-in-law is a co-founder of Amway, the multilevel marketing company, and whose brother is the founder of the notorious mercenary firm Blackwater — was confirmed by the U.S. Senate last week to be the eleventh secretary of Education. Because two Republican senators — Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski — sided with the Democrats and ...
The U.S. Military’s Plan to Take Over America by John W. Whitehead February 17, 2017 “Our current and past strategies can no longer hold. We are facing environments that the masters of war never foresaw. We are facing a threat that requires us to redefine doctrine and the force in radically new and different ways. The future army will confront a highly sophisticated urban-centric threat that will require that urban operations become the core ...
The Libertarian Angle: The Meaning of Freedom by Future of Freedom Foundation February 16, 2017 FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling talk about what it means to be free, what it means to live in a free society. Go to the podcast.
David Boaz: Time to End the War on Drugs by David Boaz February 15, 2017 Watch David Boaz present his perspectives on why America needs to end the war on drugs. This presentation is part of FFF’s Drug War Video Project, whose aim is to accelerate the end of this immoral and destructive government program.
The Abyss Gazes Back by Matthew Harwood February 14, 2017 The United States of Jihad: Investigating America’s Homegrown Terrorists by Peter Bergen (New York: Crown Publishers, 2016); 400 pages. It took only a few hours after two Islamic State suicide bombings ripped apart the departure hall of Brussels Airport and subway cars in central Brussels for Sen. Ted Cruz to offer a “do something” solution to the threat ...