The Invisible Hand of the State by Will Tippens July 1, 2017 It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. — Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations As Adam Smith observed in 1776, when people seek to benefit themselves through voluntary trade, they unwittingly benefit society at large. This phenomenon is often ...
The Exit Strategy of Empire by Wendy McElroy July 1, 2017 The Roman Empire never doubted that it was the defender of civilization. Its good intentions were peace, law and order. The Spanish Empire added salvation. The British Empire added the noble myth of the white man’s burden. We have added freedom and democracy. — Garet Garrett, Rise of Empire The first step in creating Empire is to morally justify ...
Come You Masters of War by Matthew Harwood July 1, 2017 America’s War for the Greater Middle East by Andrew J. Bacevich (New York: Random House, 2016; 480 pages) America’s military involvement in the Middle East began in classic imperial fashion, according to military historian and retired Army colonel Andrew J. Bacevich. They had something we needed, and we made sure we had access to it. “Oil has ...
If JFK Were Alive Today by Oliver Stone June 30, 2017 The Future of Freedom Foundation hosted one of the most fascinating, important, and relevant conferences in our 27-year history. Entitled “The National Security State and JFK,” the conference was held on Saturday, June 3, 2017, at the Dulles Airport Marriott in Northern Virginia. Oliver Stone, the noted Hollywood producer and director, received ...
Vietnam Declassified: Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon by James DiEugenio June 29, 2017 The Future of Freedom Foundation hosted one of the most fascinating, important, and relevant conferences in our 27-year history. Entitled “The National Security State and JFK,” the conference was held on Saturday, June 3, 2017, at the Dulles Airport Marriott in Northern Virginia. Jim DiEugenio is the author and editor of three books on the assassinations ...
The National Security State: The Biggest Mistake in U.S. History by Jacob G. Hornberger June 28, 2017 The Future of Freedom Foundation hosted one of the most fascinating, important, and relevant conferences in our 27-year history. Entitled “The National Security State and JFK,” the conference was held on Saturday, June 3, 2017, at the Dulles Airport Marriott in Northern Virginia. Jacob Hornberger is founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation, a ...
The Age of No Privacy: The Surveillance State Shifts Into High Gear by John W. Whitehead June 28, 2017 We are rapidly entering the age of no privacy, where everyone is open to surveillance at all times; where there are no secrets from government. ― William O. Douglas, Supreme Court Justice, dissenting in Osborn v. United States 385 U.S. 341 (1966) The government has become an expert in finding ways to sidestep what it considers ...
Enemies: Foreign and Domestic by Ron Paul June 27, 2017 The Future of Freedom Foundation hosted one of the most fascinating, important, and relevant conferences in our 27-year history. Entitled “The National Security State and JFK,” the conference was held on Saturday, June 3, 2017, at the Dulles Airport Marriott in Northern Virginia. Ron Paul was a Republican presidential candidate in 2008 and 2012 and the ...
The Libertarian Angle: Trump’s Cold War Against Cuba and the U.S. by Future of Freedom Foundation June 27, 2017 FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling talk about Trump's Cold War against Cuba and the U.S.
Jefferson Morley – “Angleton, Cuba, and Assassination” by Jefferson Morley June 26, 2017 The Future of Freedom Foundation hosted one of the most fascinating, important, and relevant conferences in our 27-year history. Entitled “The National Security State and JFK,” the conference was held on Saturday, June 3, 2017, at the Dulles Airport Marriott in Northern Virginia. Jefferson Morley is moderator of of JFK Facts ( He worked as an ...
Government Monopoly Money vs. Personal Choice in Currency by Richard M. Ebeling June 26, 2017 For more than two hundred years, practically all of even the most free market advocates have assumed that money and banking were different from other types of goods and markets. From Adam Smith to Milton Friedman, the presumption has been competitive markets and free consumer choice are far better than government control and planning – except in the realm ...
The Libertarian Angle – CIA & JFK by Future of Freedom Foundation June 23, 2017 FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Jefferson Morley talk FFF's recent conference, "The National Security State & JFK." Go to the podcast.