Free the Fire Stations! by Laurence M. Vance August 1, 2017 Many boys, at one time or another when they are growing up, become enamored with firetrucks after taking a school field trip to their local fire station. Some of them will then insist that they want to be firemen when then grow up. They want such an occupation because of the excitement and the adventure they envision — and, ...
Wartime Tyranny against Eugene Debs by David S. D'Amato August 1, 2017 Civil rights do not fare well in wartime, tested against the feverish jingoism of the martial spirit. As the old adage goes, inter armas silent leges — in war the law is silent. In the United States, liberty has too often been sacrificed (without hesitation, we might add) to the gods of wars, forced to prostrate herself before them, ...
Integrity and Leadership by Leonard Read August 1, 2017 Some years ago the public relations officer of a large corporation summarized for me his guiding principle: “Find out what the people want and do more of it; find out what they don’t want and do less of it.” While seldom so succinctly stated, such an external, “other directed” guide to behavior is finding ever wider acceptance in American life. ...
America’s Turn toward Empire by Matthew Harwood August 1, 2017 The True Flag: Theodore Roosevelt, Mark Twain, and the Birth of American Empire by Stephen Kinzer (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2017; 320 pages) Sen. Mark Hanna, a Republican from Ohio and President William McKinley’s campaign manager, couldn’t contain himself. How could the delegates to the Republican National Convention not see through the man wearing a ...
Freedom and the Fear of Self-Responsibility by Richard M. Ebeling July 31, 2017 Liberty is under a renewed challenge and attack in the contemporary world. From “political correctness” and its accompanying growing totalitarian closed-mindedness at institutions of higher learning in both America and Europe, to the rebirth of economic nationalism with its rejection of freedom of trade, investment and people in places like the United States, along with the continuing stranglehold of ...
Policing for Profit by John W. Whitehead July 27, 2017 Laws are no longer made by a rational process of public discussion; they are made by a process of blackmail and intimidation, and they are executed in the same manner. The typical lawmaker of today is a man wholly devoid of principle — a mere counter in a grotesque and knavish game. If the right pressure could be applied ...
Help FFF End the Racist Drug War by Jacob G. Hornberger July 26, 2017 Please help FFF bring its "End the Drug War" program to historically black colleges and universities. You can donate here.
The Libertarian Angle: Libertarianism and Healthcare by Future of Freedom Foundation July 25, 2017 FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss the recent debate over universal healthcare. Go to the podcast.
Global Corruption and the Role of Government by Richard M. Ebeling July 24, 2017 The corruption of government officials seems to be as old as recorded history. For example, the ancient Roman senate passed laws against such political corruption in the first century, B.C. They defined a corrupt act as “whenever money is taken and a publicly-conferred duty is violated.” Local magistrates in the Roman Empire were permitted to legally receive cash gifts of ...
Why Planned Parenthood Should Be Defunded by Laurence M. Vance July 21, 2017 For years now Republicans in Congress have expressed their intention to repeal Obamacare and defund Planned Parenthood. Although they failed to accomplish either goal individually, they came up with the bright idea of introducing a bill that would jointly achieve their objectives. If it passes. Because the Republicans had nearly absolute control of the government once Donald Trump was sworn into ...
Zombies R Us by John W. Whitehead July 19, 2017 Monsters in movies are us, always us, one way or the other. They’re us with hats on. The zombies in George Romero’s movies are us. They’re hungry. Monsters are us, the dangerous parts of us. The part that wants to destroy. The part of us with the reptile brain. The part of us that’s vicious and cruel. We express ...
The Libertarian Angle: The Non-Aggression Principle by Future of Freedom Foundation July 18, 2017 FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling talk about a basic tenet of libertarianism Go to the podcast.