What Went Wrong in Charlottesville by John W. Whitehead December 7, 2017 “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem, government IS the problem.”—Ronald Reagan Corruption. Graft. Intolerance. Greed. Incompetence. Ineptitude. Militarism. Lawlessness. Ignorance. Brutality. Deceit. Collusion. Corpulence. Bureaucracy. Immorality. Depravity. Censorship. Cruelty. Violence. Mediocrity. Tyranny. These are the hallmarks of an institution that is rotten through and through. What you smell is the stench of a dying republic. Our ...
The Evil of the National Security State (video) by Jacob G. Hornberger December 7, 2017 In November 2017, Jacob G. Hornberger gave the following presentation to the staff of The Institute for Humane Studies.
Time to Shut It Down by Laurence M. Vance December 6, 2017 According to Article I, Section 9, Clause 7 of the Constitution, “No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law.” When one or both Houses of Congress fails to pass a bill, or Congress and the president can’t come to an agreement on a bill, to fund the operations and agencies of ...
The Libertarian Angle: Trump’s Tax Bill and American Serfdom (video) by Future of Freedom Foundation December 5, 2017 FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss recent tax legislation. Go to the podcast.
Capitalism and Asymmetric Information by Richard M. Ebeling December 4, 2017 Capitalism is a wondrous human institution for the mutual betterment for all in society. Yet, critics often insist that market systems enable sellers to take advantage of buyers, because those on the demand-side often lack the specialized knowledge that suppliers possess, thus, enabling a possible exaggerated misrepresentation of what is being offered for sale. What is missed is that ...
“A Republic, If You Can Keep It” by Jacob G. Hornberger December 1, 2017 James Madison, the father of the U.S. Constitution, wrote that of all the enemies to liberty, war is the greatest. What he meant by that is that governments inevitably use wars and other crises and emergencies to centralize and expand their powers over the citizenry. Thus, in the process of claiming to keep the citizenry safe from external threats, ...
Guilt by Musical Association by James Bovard December 1, 2017 Should the feds be permitted to treat anyone who is not a choirboy like a criminal suspect? Unfortunately, local, state, and federal agencies have a long history of targeting, harassing, and entrapping fans of untraditional music. Because so many innocuous activities have become criminalized in recent decades, it has never been easier for the feds to tar any group ...
The Problem with Conservatism by Laurence M. Vance December 1, 2017 Nikolai G. Wenzel has a problem with conservatism. A libertarian, Wenzel is a Research Fellow at the University of Paris Law School’s Center for Law & Economics and the coauthor (with conservative Nathan W. Schlueter) of Selfish Libertarians and Socialist Conservatives? The Foundations of the Libertarian-Conservative Debate (Stanford Economic and Finance, 2017). This book is the only “debate book” between ...
Smith Act Tyranny Against Communists by Wendy McElroy December 1, 2017 When a state officially declares war on another state, it unofficially declares war on a second front: domestic dissidents. The dynamics of the latter can be seen by tracking one of the most powerful phenomena of the last century: the Red Scare(s). Anti-communist hysteria followed World War I and did not cease until the fall of the Soviet Union ...
Limited Government and a Free Society, Part 1 by Gregory Bresiger December 1, 2017 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Presidential use of the executive order, along with its relative, the executive agreement, has become the “very definition of tyranny” and an affront to limited government. The use of executive orders has dramatically increased over time. George Washington issued about one executive order a year. However, by ...
A Morally Rudderless America by Scott McPherson November 30, 2017 A U.S. Navy pilot flying over far north Okanogan County, Washington, is in hot water for leaving contrails in the sky in the shape of a penis. According to a report from CBS News affiliate KREM, people on the ground saw the image and complained. One mother was “upset because she might have to explain the ...
Nervous About Traffic Stops? I Am. by John W. Whitehead November 30, 2017 “Quit resisting.”—Cops yell at compliant young man who was thrown to the ground, beaten, arrested and hospitalized for severe injuries to his face and arm, allegedly in retaliation for “resisting arrest” by driving to a safe, well-lit area before submitting to a traffic stop for a broken tail light We’ve all been there before. You’re driving along and ...