Libertarian Angle: Come to Our Charleston Conference! (video) by Future of Freedom Foundation March 21, 2018 Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss the upcoming conference in Charleston, SC, co-hosted by the Ron Paul Institute and FFF. Register today.
Collectivism’s Progress: From Marxism to Race and Gender Intersectionality by Richard M. Ebeling March 19, 2018 By many objective signs and indicators the world is becoming a far more materially comfortable place. Over the last thirty years, tens of millions of people have been raised out of poverty in various parts of Asia, Africa and Latin America. At the same time, new technologies have been transforming communications and conveniences of everyday life. Yet, present political ...
Real Educational Freedom by Laurence M. Vance March 14, 2018 The federal secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, is calling on Americans to embrace a vision of “education freedom” that empowers students and parents with a “multitude of pathways” toward new opportunities. DeVos made her remarks at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) — held February 27–March 2 outside Washington, D.C. — during a ...
The Libertarian Angle: Reject Foreign Interventionism by Future of Freedom Foundation March 13, 2018 Special guest Doug Bandow, senior fellow a The Cato Institute, talks foreign intervention with Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling. Go to the podcast.
Why Not Private Provision of Many Government Services? by Richard M. Ebeling March 12, 2018 One of the great controversies in modern society concerns the necessary and required functions of government. There are few who disagree that if government is to exist then it certainly has the duty and responsibility to secure and protect essential rights of every individual, including the right to life, liberty and honestly acquired property. But there are a wide ...
The “Guns Equal Crime” Mantra Doesn’t Hold Water by Scott McPherson March 9, 2018 Ask any devoted gun-hater and he'll tell you it's just “common sense” that guns in the hands of private citizens will only lead to more crime. The high homicide rate in the United States (relative to other Western industrialized societies) and its high gun-ownership rate are cited without question as evidence for this position. The trouble is, a more thorough ...
The Rise of the American Imperial President by John W. Whitehead March 8, 2018 “The presidency will survive. The real question is what leads American presidents into the imperial temptation. When the American presidency conceives itself as the appointed savior of a world in which mortal danger requires rapid and incessant deployment of men, weapons, and decisions behind a wall of secrecy, power rushes from Capitol Hill to the White ...
Libertarian Angle: Trump’s Tariff Folly (video) by Future of Freedom Foundation March 7, 2018 Do tariffs benefit a society, or is free trade the great engine of productivity and liberty? Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss President Trump's proposal for tariffs on steel and aluminum. Go to the podcast.
The Latest Conservative Argument for the Drug War by Laurence M. Vance March 6, 2018 The libertarian position on the government’s drug war is straightforward. There should be no laws at any level of government for any reason regarding the buying, selling, growing, processing, transporting, manufacturing, advertising, using, possessing, or “trafficking” of any drug for any reason. All government agencies devoted to fighting the war on drugs should be abolished and the war on drugs ...
Trump’s Protectionist Follies Threaten a Trade War by Richard M. Ebeling March 5, 2018 President Donald Trump has announced the planned imposition of a new, 25 percent tariff on imported steel and a 10 percent tariff on foreign made aluminum entering the United States. This has brought about threats of trade retaliation by a number of America’s trading partners. The menacing clouds of a possible trade war are showing themselves on the global ...
Dismantling Roosevelt’s New Deal by Jacob G. Hornberger March 1, 2018 In the midst of the congressional debate over Donald Trump’s tax bill, leftists accused Republicans of planning to dismantle Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal. While the fear-mongering was baseless, given that Republicans favor the New Deal programs and philosophy as much as liberals do, the question naturally arises: Why shouldn’t Americans dismantle this almost- century-old socialist and interventionist experiment? It is ...
Trump and the Right to #Resist by James Bovard March 1, 2018 Since Donald Trump’s election, it has become fashionable for his opponents to use a #Resist hashtag on their social media postings. Public demonstrations have become more fashionable than at any time since the Vietnam War. Federal agencies are actively working to thwart the Trump administration; the Obama holdover chief of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau even refused to vacate ...