Alfred the Great Saved England by Scott McPherson February 20, 2018 During the violent centuries of the Anglo-Saxon invasion and transformation of England (400-600AD), the invaders brought their customs, political institutions, property, and way of life across the North Sea, replacing four centuries of Romano-British culture and rule with farms and villages modeled on those of Old Germany. A Heptarchy of kingdoms would rule England, their ...
Progressive Totalitarians and Nativist Nationalists in Our Midst by Richard M. Ebeling February 19, 2018 America seems to be an increasingly politically polarized society. Those on the “progressive” political left often seem livid in their hatred and fear of anything and anyone who they label as being on the Republican or “conservative” side of the ideological spectrum. At the same time, many Republicans, and especially those among the supporters of the Trump Administration, see ...
Asking the Wrong Questions about Vouchers by Laurence M. Vance February 15, 2018 It has been almost thirty years since Milwaukee began offering the nation’s first school vouchers. Beginning with 341 students and a half-dozen or so private schools, the voucher program — which allows low-income children to use taxpayer money to attend private schools — is today used by about 29,000 Milwaukee children at more than 100 private schools at an ...
The Libertarian Angle: The Korea Olympics Brouhaha (video) by Future of Freedom Foundation February 13, 2018 FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling talking discuss the growing tensions on the Korean peninsula. Go to the podcast.
Freedom and the Minimum Wage by Richard M. Ebeling February 12, 2018 Most of us both value and take for granted the ability to make decisions about our own lives. When busybodies put their noses and their mouths into our personal affairs, we often say or at least think, “Mind your own business.” Unfortunately, we live in a world in which too frequently government won’t leave us alone, and instead, very ...
The Libertarian Angle: Democracy and Capitalism (video) by Future of Freedom Foundation February 6, 2018 What is the difference between a democratic system and a capitalist system? FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling hash it out. Go to the podcast.
The Debt Ceiling Hysteria and Profligate Government by Richard M. Ebeling February 5, 2018 Once again, the financial fears have been ratcheted up due to recent announcements by the U.S. Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) that by the middle of March 2018 the Federal government will have run out of room to continue borrowing due to the official debt ceiling. Some are now calling for ...
Why Not End Funding Now? by Laurence M. Vance February 2, 2018 Donald Trump’s possible decision to end NASA’s funding of the International Space Station by 2025 brings up that age-old question of the proper role of government, although it is certainly not he who is bringing it up. The International Space Station (ISS) program is a joint operation between NASA and the space agencies of Russia, Japan, Canada, ...
Pinochet’s Chicago Boys versus Freedom by Jacob G. Hornberger February 1, 2018 Ever since the U.S.-supported military coup in Chile that brought Gen. Augusto Pinochet to power in 1973, American and Chilean conservatives have extolled the economic policies that the Pinochet regime brought to Chile. The policies, which conservatives have long described as “free-market,” originated within a group of Chilean economists known as the Chicago Boys, who accepted governmental positions in ...
Donald Trump’s Authoritarian Opponents by James Bovard February 1, 2018 President Trump has said and done many things to appall the friends of freedom. From Trump’s pro-torture comments to his praise of police brutality to his cruise-missile barrage against Syria to his threat to annihilate North Korea, there are ample signs that he scorns a freedom-and-peace posture. Unfortunately, many of Trump’s opponents are even more statist than the president. Marking ...
How to Make America Great Again by Laurence M. Vance February 1, 2018 It has now been a year since Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the forty-fifth president of the United States of America. Among other things, he said in his inauguration speech, From this day forward, it’s going to be only America first, America first. Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, ...
Limited Government and a Free Society, Part 3 by Gregory Bresiger February 1, 2018 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Franklin D. Roosevelt was up for reelection in 1940. Toward the end of the election campaign, wanting to reassure the considerable isolationist sentiment, he promised not to send U.S. troops to Europe. “I have said this before. But I shall say it again and again and again. Your ...