The Case against Schooling by George Leef May 1, 2018 The Case against Education: Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money by Bryan Caplan (Princeton University Press, 2018, 395 pages). Almost every book on education policy (and I have read a great many of them) springs from the set of assumptions that education “experts” embrace: that schooling builds our stock of knowledge and ...
Is the U.S. Government Evil? You Tell Me by John W. Whitehead April 25, 2018 The greatest evil is not now done … in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices. ...
The Libertarian Angle: The Socialism of Social Security (video) by Future of Freedom Foundation April 24, 2018 What works better--socialism or the free market? Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling apply libertarian principles to Social Security. Go to the podcast.
Come to Charleston! by Jacob G. Hornberger April 20, 2018 TICKETS TO THIS EVENT ARE SOLD OUT! If you have ever wanted an excuse to visit Charleston, South Carolina, one of the most beautiful cities in the United States, you have it now! The Ron Paul Institute and The Future of Freedom Foundation are teaming up to present an exciting, timely, and ...
Crimes of a Monster by John W. Whitehead April 19, 2018 “Is ours a government of the people, by the people, for the people, or a kakistocracy rather, for the benefit of knaves at the cost of fools?”— James Russell Lowell, 19th century American novelist Let us not mince words. We are living in an age of war profiteers. We are living in an age of scoundrels, liars, brutes and thugs. ...
The Libertarian Angle: Syria and the RPI/FFF Conference (video) by Future of Freedom Foundation April 17, 2018 Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss the recent attack on Syria as well as our upcoming conference in Charleston, South Carolina with co-sponsors The Ron Paul Institute. Go to the podcast.
Gun Control in Britain Has Failed by Scott McPherson April 16, 2018 Around 1920, the British Parliament in London began whittling away at the right to own firearms. Recognized at least from the days of king Billy and his Glorious Revolution, the right to arms was slowly but steadily eviscerated as any rise in crime or some shocking event invigorated anti-gun sentiment in a country marching to the Left. New “common ...
The Slippery Slope to a Constitution-Free America by John W. Whitehead April 13, 2018 “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”—Benjamin Franklin The ease with which Americans are prepared to welcome boots on the ground, regional lockdowns, routine invasions of their privacy, and the dismantling of every constitutional right intended to serve as a bulwark against government abuses is beyond ...
Why Is the Government Still Regulating the Railroads? by Laurence M. Vance April 12, 2018 Donald Trump recently nominated two new members for Republican seats on the Surface Transportation Board (STB): Patrick Fuchs of Wisconsin and Michelle A. Schultz of Pennsylvania. Fuchs is a senior Senate Commerce Committee staffer who “has participated in the drafting and passage of five bills directly affecting freight and passenger railroads.” He was previously “a policy analyst ...
Libertarian Angle: Trump’s Trade War Folly (video) by Future of Freedom Foundation April 11, 2018 Join Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling as they explore the benefits of free trade and the folly of tariffs and protectionism. Go to the podcast.
Gun Control Doesn’t Lower Crime (Or Make Us Safer) by Scott McPherson April 10, 2018 The United Kingdom has historically enjoyed a low crime and murder rate, and has very strict gun laws. This fact has regularly been exploited by anti-gun politicians and cultural elites on both sides of the Atlantic to push the dangerous lie that gun control is necessary in the fight against crime and violence. But when the UK's crime rate – ...
Paternalistic Follies of the 1960s by Richard M. Ebeling April 9, 2018 Fifty years separate us, now, from 1968 and the two momentous legacies of the then soon to ending failed presidency of Lyndon Johnson: The declaring of war on America's supposed domestic ills in the form of the "Great Society" programs, and the aggressive military intervention in a real war in Vietnam. Both of these "wars" reflected the arrogance and ...