Points to Ponder at Five Minutes before Midnight by Jacob G. Hornberger February 21, 2003 On the eve of the U.S. government’s upcoming invasion of Iraq, we might want to ponder some important points: 1. The invasion will be illegal under the supreme law of the United States. Our Constitution, which is the law that binds the conduct of our public officials, requires a congressional declaration of war before the president can ...
Economic Sanctions in Iraq as a Tool of Foreign Policy by Robert W. McGee February 17, 2003 The United States has been imposing economic sanctions against Iraq since the early 1990s. Technically, they are UN sanctions, but the United Nations is involved in name only. The embargo would collapse within about 15 minutes if the United States withdrew its support for the sanctions. FACTS Since their inception, the ...
War with Iraq Is Dangerous Folly by Howard Baetjer Jr. February 14, 2003 Suppose we do get proof that Saddam Hussein is producing banned weapons and hiding them from UN inspectors. Starting a war with Iraq on that account would be utter folly. It would very likely do far, far more harm than good. Those yearning to let slip the dogs of war, in ...
Next, Pakistan … and Maybe Germany by Scott McPherson February 10, 2003 According to President Bush, we must attack Iraq for five main reasons: (1) Saddam Hussein is a dictator; (2) he probably has weapons of mass destruction; (3) he is a supporter of international terrorist organizations such as al-Qaeda; (4) his continued position as head of his country threatens ...
Space Shuttles, Trains, and Postal Delivery by Jacob G. Hornberger February 7, 2003 Isn’t the response of President Bush and other Washington officials to the NASA tragedy so very typical? Amidst charges that NASA officials have knowingly and intentionally ignored safety warnings for years, the knee-jerk response of Washington’s big spenders is: Increase the NASA budget immediately! Only in Washington ...
More Like Them Than We Care to Admit by Sheldon Richman February 1, 2003 President Bush last fall dismissed the Iraqi parliament’s deliberation on and rejection of the UN arms-inspections resolution as “political theater.” As he put it, the parliament is “nothing but a rubber stamp for Saddam Hussein.” That’s funny, coming from a man who has declared he has the power to launch an unprovoked war against Iraq whether the U.S. Congress approves ...
My Pre-Invasion Predictions by Jacob G. Hornberger January 13, 2003 More than a year prior to the September 11 attacks, we here at The Future of Freedom Foundation predicted that the U.S. government's interventionist foreign policy would ultimately produce terrorism on American soil: “Terrorism — or War,” by Jacob G. Hornberger “Breeding Terrorism,” by Sheldon Richman Here are my five ...
Save the Economy: Invade Iraq by Jacob G. Hornberger January 7, 2003 President Bush has just added another item to his smorgasbord of reasons to invade Iraq: An attack from Saddam Hussein or a surrogate of Saddam Hussein would, according to the president, “cripple our economy.” Now, there’s a reason to conduct an unprovoked attack on a country that will ...
Leave Iraq Alone by Jacob G. Hornberger January 6, 2003 Despite the fact that he is amassing an impressive display of military armament in the areas near Iraq, President Bush says that he still hasn’t made up his mind on whether to order an invasion of Iraq. That would imply that despite the array of intelligence and information that ...
In Other Words by Jacob G. Hornberger January 3, 2003 ... In other words, what I am telling you, my fellow Americans, is that the state of the Union is fine. And it will be made even better with our upcoming invasion of Iraq. Keep your mind focused ... on Saddam Hussein. Do not permit it to stray toward the thousands of Iraqi people, including ordinary Iraqi soldiers, whom we ...
Multilateralist Cowards by Sheldon Richman December 27, 2002 The biggest bunch of cowards in the U.S. Congress are the multilateralists. These are the ones who say that the Bush administration should not escalate the 10-year-old war against Iraq without the support of the United Nations. What makes them cowards is not their skittishness about having the United States go it ...
Sic the IRS on Saddam by Jacob G. Hornberger December 23, 2002 President Bush made a grievous mistake by relying on a UN weapons report to go after Saddam Hussein. He should have instead required Saddam to file a federal income-tax return. It would have been a much more effective and less costly way to get rid of the man. Look at the ...