James Bovard: Time to End the War on Drugs by James Bovard December 6, 2016 Watch FFF policy adviser James Bovard present his perspectives on why America needs to end the war on drugs. This presentation is part of FFF’s Drug War Video Project, whose aim is to accelerate the end of this immoral and destructive government program.
David S. D’Amato: Time to End the War on Drugs by David S. D'Amato December 1, 2016 Watch FFF policy adviser present his perspectives on why America needs to end the war on drugs. This presentation is part of FFF’s Drug War Video Project, whose aim is to accelerate the end of this immoral and destructive government program. Go to the podcast.
Ron Paul: Time to End the War on Drugs by Ron Paul November 25, 2016 Watch former Congressman Ron Paul present his perspectives on why America needs to end the war on drugs. This presentation is part of FFF’s Drug War Video Project, whose aim is to accelerate the end of this immoral and destructive government program. Go to the podcast.
Laurence M. Vance: Time to End the War on Drugs by Laurence M. Vance November 16, 2016 Go the podcast. Watch Future of Freedom Foundation policy adviser Laurence Vance presents his perspectives on why America needs to end the war on drugs. This presentation is part of FFF’s Drug War Video Project, whose aim is to accelerate the end of this immoral and destructive government program.
The Latest Excuse for the Drug War by Laurence M. Vance October 25, 2016 According to a new report released by Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union, every 25 seconds in the United States someone is arrested for drug possession. It is not surprising to read in the report that Police make more arrests for drug possession than for any other crime. Police made more arrests for simple marijuana ...
Prohibition Is Alive and Well by Laurence M. Vance August 4, 2016 The Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution that instituted Prohibition was proposed by Congress in December 1917, ratified by the requisite number of states in January 1919, and took effect in January 1920. The first and relevant section of the Amendment reads, After one year from the ratification of this article the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation ...
Should Marijuana Be Legalized and Taxed? by Laurence M. Vance May 26, 2016 Although 24 states and the District of Columbia have legalized the medical use of marijuana, the federal government still classifies marijuana under the Controlled Substances Act as a Schedule I drug with “a high potential for abuse,” “no currently accepted medical use,” and “a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug under medical supervision.” Beginning with Oregon in ...
Every Home Ought To Be a Safe Zone by Laurence M. Vance April 22, 2016 There is a heroin epidemic in the United States, so we are told. And it is not just urban junkies who are addicted. Heroin has become readily available in suburban and rural areas. Diacetylmorphine or diamorphine results from the combining of morphine (an opioid derived from the opium poppy) with acetic anhydride. Opium poppies are cultivated ...
Is Drug Freedom a Tenet of Liberalism? by Laurence M. Vance March 7, 2016 Is someone a liberal because he supports medical-marijuana initiatives? Is someone a liberal if he favors the decriminalization of marijuana? Is someone a liberal for backing proposals to release nonviolent drug offenders from the nation’s prisons? Is someone a liberal if he defends the right of states to legalize marijuana for recreational use? Is someone a liberal because he ...
The Libertarian Sticking Point by Laurence M. Vance March 1, 2016 Why aren’t more Americans libertarians? Why aren’t more liberals becoming libertarians? They generally share the libertarian commitment to freedom of speech, civil liberties, personal freedom, privacy, and the Fourth Amendment, or at least they claim to do so. Why aren’t more conservatives becoming libertarians? They generally share the libertarian commitment to the free market, limited government, free trade, property ...
Neill Franklin: The Drug War Against Black America (video) by Neill Franklin February 15, 2016 This is a speech delivered by Neill Franklin (Law Enforcement Against Drug Prohibition) at a conference entitled “The Drug War Against Black America” held on November 14, 2015, at Morgan State University in Baltimore. The conference was co-sponsored by The Future of Freedom Foundation and the Pre-Law Association at Morgan State.
Kassandra Frederique: The Drug War Against Black America (video) by Kassandra Frederique February 12, 2016 This is a speech delivered by Kassandra Frederique (Drug Policy Alliance) at a conference entitled “The Drug War Against Black America” held on November 14, 2015, at Morgan State University in Baltimore. The conference was co-sponsored by The Future of Freedom Foundation and the Pre-Law Association at Morgan State.