Drug War

Legalize Drugs — All Drugs

In 1972, Newsweek published what must have been considered by many readers to be a shocking commentary on the drug war by libertarian Nobel Prize–winning economist Milton Friedman. Entitled “Prohibition and Drugs,” Friedman’s article called for the legalization of drugs — all drugs. Friedman made two primary libertarian arguments in favor of drug legalization: freedom and practicality. He wrote, On ethical ...

The Latest Conservative Argument for the Drug War

The libertarian position on the government’s drug war is straightforward. There should be no laws at any level of government for any reason regarding the buying, selling, growing, processing, transporting, manufacturing, advertising, using, possessing, or “trafficking” of any drug for any reason. All government agencies devoted to fighting the war on drugs should be abolished and the war on drugs ...

The Problem with Harris County’s Relaxing of Its Marijuana Laws

Although marijuana is still illegal on the federal level, twenty-eight states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for medical use and eight states have legalized marijuana for recreational use. Other states have decriminalized certain marijuana-possession offenses. There are numerous restrictions, of course. But some freedom is better than no freedom. Texas is not one of these states. Partial ...