Government Planning Brings neither Freedom, Prosperity, nor Equality by Richard M. Ebeling January 1, 2022 America is in the grip of a serious counterrevolution against the ideas and ideals upon which the country was founded. Whether it concerns fears about the physical environment or frustrations with the domestic economy or charges of society-wide “systemic racism,” the presumption is that the problem stems from people having too much freedom or the wrong types of freedom. The ...
American Cities Are Socialist Nightmares by Scott McPherson December 10, 2021 America's cities are petri dishes of “progressive” governance. Anyone who cares to see the consequences of radical left-wing policies need look no further than our country's urban centers. From the monstrous modernist architecture to decaying infrastructure, they look more like Soviet hell than the once-thriving metropolises that were the envy of the modern world. The English historian James Bryce called ...
Congress Doesn’t Need to Bail Out Social Security by Laurence M. Vance October 4, 2021 The Social Security Board of Trustees has released its annual report on the long-term financial status of the Social Security Trust Funds, and it is not looking good. There are actually two parts to Social Security (OASDI). The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) program provides monthly benefits to retired workers, families of retired workers, and survivors of deceased workers. ...
The Soviet Union Is Gone, but the Young Yearn for Socialism by Richard M. Ebeling August 17, 2021 This August marks the 30th anniversary of the beginning of the end to the Soviet Union. During August 19-21, 1991, hardline members of the Soviet Communist Party and the KGB attempted a coup d’état in Moscow to prevent the political and economic reforms introduced over the prior five years from going any further. The coup failed, and on Christmas ...
A Senseless Test by Laurence M. Vance August 6, 2021 Most Americans received stimulus payments three times from the federal government during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many Americans receive a similar payment in the Spring every year after they file their taxes and claim the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Some of these “many” Americans, starting last month, began receiving advance payments of their EITC every ...
Infrastructure Bill as Political Plunder and Social Engineering by Richard M. Ebeling August 4, 2021 Nothing says you really “care” in politics as much as a willingness and, indeed, a demand to spend at least $1 trillion of other people’s money on some supposedly essential public “need.” So, not surprisingly, a bipartisan infrastructure bill is working its way through Congress with just such a $1 trillion price tag. Also, nothing says you are desperate for ...
Modern Collectivist Trends and How to Resist Them by Richard M. Ebeling July 1, 2021 The First World War and the Great Depression were, I would suggest, the major events that have shaped most of the political, social, and economic trends for more than a century. The Great War, as it used to be called, undermined the generally “classical” liberal world that prevailed, at least in much of Western and Central Europe and North ...
The Paternalist Instincts of a Central Planner by Richard M. Ebeling May 26, 2021 Both supporters and critics of President Joe Biden have been surprised and amazed by the immensity of his political agenda and his recent actions for a far more expansive role for the federal government than many had been expecting from his time in office. He is clearly on a “mission” and is pursuing it with seeming urgency. So, what ...
The VMI Controversy by Jacob G. Hornberger April 1, 2021 Last year, the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) in Lexington, Virginia, came under scrutiny for alleged acts of racial discrimination against black members of the corps of cadets. The controversy began with an article in the Washington Post, which was followed by a call by the governor of Virginia for an official state investigation into racism at VMI. Under pressure, ...
The True Nature of Social Security Revealed by Laurence M. Vance March 23, 2021 A friend who opted to take early Social Security benefits at age 62 late last year was aghast when he recently found out that half of his benefits might be withheld and 85 percent of his benefits might be subject to taxation. An exploration of why these things are true reveals the true nature of Social Security. Although Social Security ...
Socialism-in-Practice Was a Nightmare, Not Utopia by Richard M. Ebeling February 24, 2021 It is amazing sometimes how really short humanity’s historical memory can be. Listening to some in American academia and on social media, you would think that socialism was a bright, new, and shiny idea never tried before that promises a beautiful future of peace, love, and bountifulness for all. It is as if a hundred years of socialism-in-practice in ...
The Uyghurs as Victims of Chinese National Socialism by Richard M. Ebeling February 10, 2021 News outlets in the United States and in Europe have again been drawing attention to the oppression and persecution being suffered by the Uyghurs in the western region of China known as Xinjiang. Somewhere between one and two million of them have been rounded up and placed in “reeducation” camps by the Chinese government, with smuggled out stories telling ...