An Echo, Not a Choice by Sheldon Richman April 26, 2012 With Mitt Romney’s sweep of Tuesday’s primaries, he will almost certainly be President Barack Obama’s Republican opponent in November. Romney has vowed to make the economy the chief issue against Obama, and he is sure to portray the president as an enemy of free enterprise in order to draw a contrast with himself. How fit is Romney’s claim to ...
Freedom Watch with Judge Andrew Napolitano: Two Parties = Zero Difference by Jacob G. Hornberger February 8, 2012 On February 6, 2012, Mises Chair Lew Rockwell and Future of Freedom President Jacob Hornberger explain how we got to a place where both political parties have the same major policies. Watch the latest video at
It’s the Message by Rich Schwartzman December 27, 2011 During the lead-up to the last presidential campaign — during the winter of 2007–2008 — there was another push for a Ron Paul candidacy. I covered part of that push for two local weekly newspapers. For the photo op I shot a couple of staged groups, and I had everyone shout “Ron Paul” right before I pressed the shutter. One of ...
Freedom Watch: The Attack of Ron Paul (video) Fox Business News by Jacob G. Hornberger December 20, 2011 Future of Freedom Foundation Founder Jacob Hornberger tells FBNs Ashley Webster why Ron Paul is turning up the heat on his competitors for the 2012 nomination as he surges in the polls. Watch the latest video at
Outrage over Body Parts of War Dead Is Misdirected by Laurence M. Vance December 20, 2011 There didn't seem to be a lot of outrage last month when it was reported by the Washington Post that the Dover Air Force Base mortuary had for years been disposing of the unidentified remains of U.S. soldiers by cremating them and then dumping the ashes in a landfill in King George County, Virginia. The Dover mortuary receives ...
Wisconsin Invoices the Exercise of Rights by Wendy McElroy December 19, 2011 Despite a proclaimed opposition to new taxes, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has advanced a policy that amounts to a new and draconian tax. People will have to pay the state for the privilege of free speech and assembly. To exercise those rights in or outside state facilities will entail permits at least seventy-two hours in advance and potentially prohibitive ...
What Is a Vice-President And Why? by Wendy McElroy December 13, 2011 John Adams, the first vice-president of the United States (17891797), once exclaimed, My country has in its wisdom contrived for me the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived. A century later, there seemed to be little change. The 28th vice-president of the United States, Thomas R. Marshall (19131921) once stated, ...
Ron Paul’s Radical Deal by Tim Kelly October 28, 2011 Several Republican presidential candidates have rolled out economic plans they claim will jumpstart the moribund U.S. economy and narrow the nation’s yawning fiscal gap. Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s plan creates an optional 20 percent flat income tax, restricts federal spending to 18 percent of GDP, and seeks a balanced budget by 2020. His plan also calls for lowering the corporate ...
Hope and Change? Hardly by Rich Schwartzman October 21, 2011 George W. Bush was a disgrace to the presidency. He initiated wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and he ran roughshod over civil liberties here at home in the name of what he called a war on terrorism. Barack Obama is worse. Not only has Obama kept the United States engaged in Iraq and Afghanistan, but he’s upped the U.S. military ...
Conservatives and American Empire by Tim Kelly October 21, 2011 American conservatives who claim to value liberty and limited government but continue to take pride in the country’s bloated military establishment would do well to remember Randolph Bourne’s pithy declaration “war is the health of the state.” Conservatives will argue that the basic function of the state is to defend the country against foreign invasion or attack; therefore, allowing the ...
Would McCain Have Been Any Better? by Laurence M. Vance October 20, 2011 It has been said that every president makes us nostalgic for his predecessor. But as bad as the presidency of Barack Obama has turned out to be, I still look back on the Bush years with regret rather than longing. George Bush will go down in history — at least among proponents of liberty, property, and peace — as one ...
Give Me Doubleplusgood or Give Me Death! by Wendy McElroy September 15, 2011 George Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984, got a few things wrong — for example, the date. But he was dead-on in depicting the cause-and-effect relationship between language and politics, between language and our ability to think clearly; the process of using words as social control was called Newspeak. What cannot be expressed cannot be effectively understood or opposed. Neutralizing language ...