Did the FBI Swing the 2020 Election? by James Bovard July 1, 2022 Joe Biden won the 2020 election as a result of 43,000 votes in three states. The election was far closer than the media has usually admitted. There were plenty of dubious factors that could have tipped the scales for a Biden victory, including machinations by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The long history of FBI abuse Though the media usually portray ...
Leftists Lose When People Move by Scott McPherson April 22, 2022 Over half of the American people believe the country is on the “wrong track,” according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released back in February. And it's not even close. Sixty-three percent expressed this concern. By comparison, just 24 percent are happy with the state of the nation. Republicans and Independents, 86 percent and 67 percent respectively, are most alarmed, but ...
Political Rhetoric Hides the Reality of Peaceful Production vs. Plunder by Richard M. Ebeling September 13, 2021 The very nature of modern democratic politics is that it is seen as a means and a mechanism to transfer income to some in society at others’ expense. Virtually every politician runs for office on a campaign platform that promises to extend concrete and specific benefits to various selected groups through the taxing or regulating powers of government. This means ...
Congress Is Still Unfit to Govern by James Bovard March 1, 2021 “In politics, stupidity is not a handicap,” Napoleon is reputed to have said more than two centuries ago. Boundless ignorance is also not a handicap, as Congress demonstrated last December by approving a 5593-page bill without reading it. Plenty of activists and editorial pages howled over the sloppy procedures propelling $2.3 trillion in new federal spending. James Madison warned in ...
Trump’s Fall and the Rise of the Tribal Collectivists by Richard M. Ebeling January 20, 2021 It has often been said that religious wars are the most unforgiving because one or both protagonists are absolutely, if not fanatically, certain that “the” truth is on their side. This is threatening to become the situation in America today with the ideological dogmatism seen in the mindset and extremism of the identity politics warriors and cancel culture crusaders, ...
Non-Issues in the 2020 Election by Laurence M. Vance January 1, 2021 In one of his trenchant commentaries written about a month before the election, Future of Freedom Foundation president Jacob G. Hornberger asked the question, “Where Are Open Borders in the Presidential Race?” He then made these observations: Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, immigration is not a big burning issue in the presidential race. There is a simple reason for that: Both ...
The Stench Of Bipartisan Cooperation On The Potomac by David Stockman December 9, 2020 Well, here is a picture worth a thousand words. Featured front and center is Mr. Crony Capitalist Never Trumper, Mitt Romney, explaining how another $908 billion of Everything Bailouts–on top of the $3.5 trillion that have gone before—is just the thing to do. Romney is speaking for a “bipartisan” group of Spenders Senators including the GOP’s Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski ...
Why Politics Breeds Divisive Fears and Angers by Richard M. Ebeling November 11, 2020 The recent presidential election confirms and reinforces what many political observers and common citizens have increasingly known and noted: Americans are seriously divided over the problems they see facing society, and the means and methods to solve or reduce their impact on all of us. This division of views is, of course, partly shown in the number of votes cast ...
Government Policies Have Worsened the Coronavirus Crisis by Richard M. Ebeling October 22, 2020 Few would disagree that we have been and are living through some unprecedented times in 2020. A global pandemic, government-imposed and mandated lockdowns and shutdowns of much of the world’s economic activities and social interactions, and total government debts that cumulatively are almost equal to the global economy’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). But while comparisons are being made between the ...
The Political Circus and the Court by Richard M. Ebeling October 16, 2020 Much of the news and social media chatter following the vice-presidential debate on October 7, 2020 seemed to focus on two events during the 90-minute exchange: Kamala Harris’s unwillingness to say whether she and Joe Biden would or would not try to “pack” the Supreme Court with justices to assure voting majorities for “their side,” and the dark colored ...
What Do Republicans Stand For? by Laurence M. Vance September 11, 2020 Since this is a presidential election year, and the Republican Party wants Americans’ votes, it is fitting to ask the question: What do Republicans stand for? Writing in Politico Magazine, chief political correspondent Tim Alberta hit the nail on the head: “The supposed canons of GOP orthodoxy — limited government, free enterprise, ...
Why Do Democrats Hate Donald Trump So Much? by Laurence M. Vance June 1, 2020 Democrats didn’t much care for presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, or George W. Bush — mainly because they were Republican presidents. Just as Republicans weren’t too fond of presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, or Barack Obama — mainly because they were Democratic presidents. But it is no secret that Democrats, whether they call themselves liberals, leftists, progressives, Democratic ...