The Libertarian Angle: Ebeling’s 10 Favorite Books & Authors: Ayn Rand by Future of Freedom Foundation September 25, 2018 Richard Ebeling is the BB&T Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Free Enterprise Leadership at The Citadel. He became a libertarian while still in high school and has been involved in the libertarian movement for many decades. Who did he look up to? What books have influenced him the most? Richard and FFF president Jacob Hornberger ...
Richard Ebeling’s Top Favorite Books: Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal by Richard M. Ebeling September 24, 2018 Capitalism: the Unknown Ideal (1967) was my first real introduction to individualist and free market ideas when I was a teenager. I only read Ayn Rand's novels later after this one and The Virtue of Selfishness. I had been interested in politics and current events, but ...
Adherence to Principle: My Talk to the Tidewater Libertarian Party by Jacob G. Hornberger September 20, 2018 This is a talk delivered on August 18, 2018, by Jacob Hornberger, president of The Future of Freedom Foundation, to the Tidewater, Virginia, Libertarian Party.
The Libertarian Angle: Interventionism and National Security Statism by Future of Freedom Foundation September 18, 2018 FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling are pleased to have as a guest Cato Institute senior fellow Ted Galen Carpenter to discuss foreign policy. Go to the podcast.
The Libertarian Angle: The Free State Project (video) by Future of Freedom Foundation September 11, 2018 What is The Free State Project? Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling welcome FSP founder Jason Sorens. Go to the podcast.
The Libertarian Angle: Child Labor Laws by Future of Freedom Foundation September 5, 2018 Children's rights are one of the toughest areas that the libertarian philosophy addresses. How does libertarianism apply to the regulation of child labor? Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss. Go to the podcast.
Libertarian Lessons: Property Rights by Scott McPherson August 31, 2018 Borrowing heavily from the Whig philosopher John Locke (1632-1704), Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence that all of us have the right to our lives, to our liberty, and to the pursuit of happiness. Less than a century earlier, Locke had offered a similar theme, with a slight difference: He stated that we have a right to ...
The Libertarian Angle: More Immigration-Control Chaos (video) by Future of Freedom Foundation August 29, 2018 Immigration controls are like any other type of government control--a top-down command structure doomed to failure and resource mismanagement. And more importantly, immigration controls violate the libertarian non-agression principle. Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss. Go to the podcast.
Libertarian Lessons: Conscription by Scott McPherson August 23, 2018 Authoritarians love conscription because it turns human beings into resources, for the factory or the battlefield. The idea receives support from across the political spectrum, either (a) to fight wars abroad, or (b) for the development of a “youth corps” providing “free” services at home. Neither excuse justifies enslaving young people to serve the interests of the political class. At ...
The Libertarian Angle: Abolish Social Security by Future of Freedom Foundation August 22, 2018 Social Security is theft. There is no trust fund. You have no rights to the money funding it. It is simply a transfer mechanism to get money from the young to the old. FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss. Go to the podcast.
The Libertarian Angle: College Socialism by Future of Freedom Foundation August 7, 2018 What would a free market in education look like? FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss. Go to the podcast.
The Libertarian Angle: End the Fed by Future of Freedom Foundation July 31, 2018 What is a fiat currency and how does the state benefit from controlling the money supply? FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss. Go to the podcast.