The Libertarian Angle – JFK vs. the National Security State by Jacob G. Hornberger August 11, 2015 Each week, FFF president Jacob Hornberger discusses the hot topics of the day. This week, Jacob and guest co-host James DiEugenio talk about the assassination of JFK and the national security state. The Libertarian Angle airs weekly. Go to the podcast.
JFK, McGeorge Bundy, and the Continuity of Government by Michael Swanson July 30, 2015 The assassination of President Kennedy was an unnerving event for the people of the United States and the world. Contradictory news stories that followed, as well as the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby, caused many people to wonder what was really going on. Many people suspected a conspiracy, and rumors spread that perhaps the president was ...
The JFK Autopsy Cover-Up: The Testimony of Saundra Spencer by Jacob G. Hornberger May 28, 2015 Ever since people began questioning the official findings of the Warren Commission regarding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the popular retort of Warren Commission supporters has been “Conspiracy theory!” That retort was somewhat successful in the early years — that is, during the time that the CIA and the Pentagon were successful in keeping their records relating to ...
The Libertarian Angle – Secrecy and the JFK Files by Jacob G. Hornberger May 19, 2015 Each week, FFF president Jacob Hornberger discusses the hot topics of the day. This week, Jacob and guest co-host Jefferson Morley discuss the JFK assassination and the files about the assassination that the U.S. government still keeps secret. The Libertarian Angle airs weekly. Go to the podcast here.
Secrecy Benefited the National Security State in the JFK Assassination by Jacob G. Hornberger May 14, 2015 The following is an excerpt from Chapter 6-Secrecy of FFF’s new book Regime Change: The JFK Assassination by Jacob Hornberger. Immediately after the assassination , a shroud of secrecy was placed over it and its aftermath. Moreover, when the Warren Commission conducted its investigation several months later, many of its proceedings were held in secret, ...
The Kennedy Autopsy (video) by Jacob G. Hornberger April 24, 2015 On April 23, 2015, hosted FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger to discuss the suspect autopsy of John F. Kennedy. You can buy Jacob's books on the JFK assassination here.
Libertarian Angle — Regime Change: The JFK Assassination by Jacob G. Hornberger April 14, 2015 Each week, FFF president Jacob Hornberger discusses the hot topics of the day. This week: Regime Change: The JFK Assassination. The Libertarian Angle airs weekly. Go to the podcast here.
Regime Change: The JFK Assassination by Jacob G. Hornberger April 8, 2015 The following are excerpts from Jacob Hornberger’s newest book, Regime Change: The JFK Assassination, which has just been launched on ($4.99). Click here to purchase it. Introduction According to a Gallup poll conducted 50 years after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the vast majority of the American people disbelieve the conclusions reached by the Warren ...
Altered History: Exposing Deceit and Deception in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence, Part 1 (Video) by Douglas Horne October 3, 2014 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 In this 5-part video, Douglas P. Horne, who served on the staff of the Assassination Records Review Board and who is the author of the five-volume book Inside the Assassination Records Review Board: The U.S. Government’s ...
Altered History: Exposing Deceit and Deception in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence, Part 5 (video) by Douglas Horne September 24, 2014 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 In this 5-part video, Douglas P. Horne, who served on the staff of the Assassination Records Review Board and who is the author of the five-volume book Inside the Assassination Records Review Board: The U.S. ...
Altered History: Exposing Deceit and Deception in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence, Part 4 (video) by Douglas Horne September 23, 2014 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 In this 5-part video, Douglas P. Horne, who served on the staff of the Assassination Records Review Board and who is the author of the five-volume book Inside the Assassination Records Review Board: The U.S. Government’s ...
Altered History: Exposing Deceit and Deception in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence, Part 3 (video) by Douglas Horne September 22, 2014 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 In this 5-part video, Douglas P. Horne, who served on the staff of the Assassination Records Review Board and who is the author of the five-volume book Inside the Assassination Records Review Board: The U.S. Government’s ...