Migration Affirms Hunger for Freedom by Fergus Hodgson June 14, 2011 The Mercatus Center has just released a tantalizing ranking of freedom for the American states, including individual state profiles and a feast of data analysis. Most compelling, though, is the insight that people know where freedom is, and they’re migrating to it. Over the 2000 to 2009 period, the difference between a state ranked in the bottom third, ...
Immigration Restrictions: A Solution in Search of a Problem (video) by Bryan Caplan September 17, 2010 On September 13, 2010, Bryan Caplan gave the following speech at The Future of Freedom Foundations Economic Liberty Lecture Series. The speech can viewed below in its entirety.
Immigration Socialism versus Freedom and the Free Market by Jacob G. Hornberger May 7, 2010 Let me begin by making a very simple, direct point: There is one — and only one — solution to the so-called immigration crisis: freedom and free markets. Every other measure, including the recently enacted immigration law in Arizona, will accomplish nothing more than continue the “crisis” and actually exacerbate it. After all, how many times have we been here ...
Immigration, Civil Liberties, and the Drug War by Sheldon Richman May 4, 2010 Arizona’s horrid law empowering cops to demand that people show their “papers” when suspected of being in the country without government permission holds an important lesson for both so-called progressives and conservatives. It’s a lesson about a seemingly separate issue: drugs. Concern about illegal immigrants along the Mexican border would undoubtedly diminish if the “war on drugs” ended. (It’s not ...
Liberalism Is the Enemy of the Poor by Jacob G. Hornberger May 1, 2010 I was a liberal back in my late 20s. I was practicing law in my hometown of Laredo, Texas, where I was serving on the board of trustees for the local Legal Aid Society, a government agency that provided free legal services for the poor. I also served as the local representative for the ACLU. I believed that government’s ...
Alienating the Inalienable by Hannah Hoffman December 1, 2009 The freedom movement is inspiring in many ways. It promotes a peaceful, liberated society in which people can be free to pursue their own ideas. Yet I find it ironic that while most involved in the freedom movement recognize the idea of personal liberty, many still hold an anti-liberty, anti-immigration view. When it comes to inalienable rights with which all ...
Borders, Socialism, and the Free Market by Jacob G. Hornberger July 1, 2008 There are two important things to keep in mind with respect to the immigration crisis: first, the crisis is rooted in socialism and interventionism and, second, the only solution to the immigration crisis lies in open borders and free markets. Any attempt to resolve the crisis by resorting to more socialism and more interventionism only pushes the United States ...
Open Borders Work, Part 2 by Philippe LeGrain April 1, 2008 Part 1 | Part 2 Opponents of immigration marshal a battery of objections to opening up borders. They claim that it would cost jobs, pose a huge welfare burden, and threaten Americans’ way of life — even their security. Yet these fears are mostly nonsense. Critics argue that low-skilled immigration is harmful because the newcomers are poorer and ...
Government-Made Crises by Jacob G. Hornberger March 17, 2008 A fascinating aspect of government intervention is how it induces people (1) to get embroiled in the crisis environment that the intervention produces, and (2) to feel a vested interest in coming up with a solution to the crisis. Consider price controls, an intervention that governments traditionally turn to in response to their own debasement of the currency. As prices ...
Independent Migrants, Welfare, and the Law by Sheldon Richman March 1, 2008 It’s a sad sign of the times that political candidates — even those who profess to be proponents of limited government — feel they have to one-up their rivals in showing how hard they would crack down on people who have the gall to come to the United States without the government’s permission. “Border security” is the odious buzzword ...
Open Borders Work, Part 1 by Philippe LeGrain March 1, 2008 Part 1 | Part 2 Imagine you were born in a part of the country where farming was no longer productive, or in a rust-belt town where the local factories had closed. You hear of good jobs in California and Colorado, so you decide to move. How would you feel if, when you arrived at the state ...
We Need Immigrants by George Leef February 1, 2008 Immigrants: Your Country Needs Them by Philippe Legrain (Princeton, 2007); 374 pages; $27.95. Many years ago, I agreed to be a guest on a talk-radio program originating in California. The host wanted a speaker who would defend immigration. After I explained my position, the host opened the call-in lines, and for the ...