The Classical Liberal Case for the Freedom to Move by Richard M. Ebeling December 1, 2024 The idea of making a case for “open borders” arouses a great deal of disagreement and disapproval. Open borders, in the minds of some, implies no borders, it is argued and feared. There may be some who oppose the notion of political borders due to their disapproval of any form of government with a geographical area of responsible jurisdiction. ...
An Immigration Conversation with a Conservative by Richard M. Ebeling November 12, 2024 Donald Trump’s reelection as president of the United States has been partly identified with his promise to “close the border” to illegal immigration and the threat of a mass deportation of millions of those who have been living in America, sometimes for almost a lifetime. If this threat is carried out, it would be one of the largest forced ...
FFF’s New Online Conference: “The Case for Open Borders” by Jacob G. Hornberger October 22, 2024 We are pleased to announce The Future of Freedom Foundation's newest online conference entitled, “The Case for Open Borders.” As with our previous online conferences, it will consist of a series of weekly presentations via Zoom. The presentations will start at 7 p.m. Eastern Time and last for one hour. There will be plenty of time for Q&A.
No, It’s Not Time to Ban Sports Gambling Again by Laurence M. Vance October 1, 2024 Writing for The Atlantic, Charles Fain Lehman claims that legalizing sports gambling was a huge mistake. “If you follow sports, gambling is everywhere. Ads for it are all over broadcasts; more than one in three Americans now bets on sports,” he laments. Lehman, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute, gets his history right if ...
Frédéric Bastiat and Immigration by Ken Schoolland August 23, 2024 In writing his famous ‘Candlemakers’ Petition’, the famous 19th Century French economist, Frédéric Bastiat, did not address the issue of immigration, but he did write about the treatment of Polish refugees who had fled persecution and were being harassed and deported by French authorities. Wrote Bastiat: …the most ardent wish of a refugee, after the one of ending his exile, ...
Right-Wing Obtuseness on Immigration by Jacob G. Hornberger August 1, 2024 A columnist for the Washington Post named Jim Geraghty recently chided me in his column for wanting to “abolish the Border Patrol and ICE and all controls on the free movements of people across borders.” With sarcasm dripping from his keyboard, Geraghty concluded, “I suppose that by declaring it to be legal for everyone to cross the border, you ...
Border Tyranny by Jacob G. Hornberger May 5, 2024 Libertarian advocates of immigration controls always focus solely on the issue of immigration controls and never on the police state that comes with them. That’s because the police-state aspects of an immigration-control system make them extremely uncomfortable given the fact that a police state is the opposite of a libertarian society. I believe that it’s important to constantly remind people ...
America’s Forever Immigration Morass by Jacob G. Hornberger December 1, 2023 All my life I have witnessed America’s ongoing, never-ending, perpetual immigration morass, along with the endless laments, anguish, anxiety, and depression among American statists that have accompanied it. All of this mental anguish has caused immigration-control advocates for the last several decades to ceaselessly cry out for Congress to enact “comprehensive immigration reform” designed to finally — finally! — ...
Immigration Socialism, the Drug War, and a Police State by Jacob G. Hornberger July 1, 2022 I grew up on a farm a few miles outside Laredo, Texas, which is located on the U.S.-Mexico border. Our farm was situated on the Rio Grande, so we irrigated our fields from water taken from the river. When we would drive down to the river to fix our irrigation pump, we could see Mexico and would oftentimes wave ...
The Case for Open Immigration by Jacob G. Hornberger September 1, 2019 Every American living today has lived his entire life under an immigration crisis. That shouldn’t surprise anyone. America’s system of immigration controls is based on the concept of central planning, which is a core feature of socialism, which, as anyone from North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela will attest, always produces crises. Government officials centrally plan the movements of millions ...
Freedom Is Why Immigrants Come to America by Richard M. Ebeling May 23, 2019 America! The word has meant hope, opportunity and freedom for tens of millions of people over the last two and half centuries. For a good part of those 250 years, the words on the Stature of Liberty in New York harbor have rang true: "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse ...
Libertarian Angle: Trump’s Immigration Plan by Future of Freedom Foundation May 22, 2019 Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss President Trump's new immigration reform plan and show why it, like all other immigration reform plans, is doomed to fail.