Charity: Biblical and Political by Russell J. Clinchy December 1, 1990 Charity is defined as an "act of loving all men as brothers because they are sons of God." This is a purely personal matter; an act voluntarily performed by one person for another; an act of faith in God and His commandments for governing our relationships with our fellow men. When we keep this concept in mind, it becomes ...
The Vietnam War by Jacob G. Hornberger November 1, 1990 Being on the debate team at Virginia Military Institute during the 1970-71 school year was not easy. It was during this period of time that the collegiate protests against the Vietnam War were at their height. I will never forget the angry stares and outbursts when we participated, in our VMI uniforms, in debate ...
Foreign Policy and Foreign Wars by Richard M. Ebeling November 1, 1990 When the Founding Fathers wrote and then defended the case for passage of the Constitution in 1787-1788, they did so with a strong belief in the natural rights of man, rights that Thomas Jefferson had so eloquently expressed in the Declaration of Independence in 1776. But their idealism was tempered with stark realism, based on ...
Conscription by Daniel Webster November 1, 1990 This bill indeed is less undisguised in its object, and less direct in its means, than some of the measures proposed. It is an attempt to exercise the power of forcing the free men of this country into the ranks of an army, for the general purposes of war, under color of a military service. It is ...
Book Review: Rock Around the Bloc by Richard M. Ebeling November 1, 1990 Rock Around the Bloc: A History of Rock Music in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union by Timothy W. Ryback (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990) 272 pp., $21.95. My own taste in music runs along classical lines: Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi and Haydn. And in 20th-century music, I prefer the "Cotton Club" rhythm of Duke Ellington and the sound of ...
Racism, Control, and Rock and Roll by Jacob G. Hornberger October 1, 1990 Civil rights laws are among the most repugnant forms of political control in American society. Not only are they a severe violation of the principles of freedom, they also have totally failed to achieve their purported end — the elimination of racism in America. Few intelligent people will deny that ...
Race and the Market Process by Richard M. Ebeling October 1, 1990 In the 1850s, a Southerner named George Fitzhugh wrote two books entitled, Sociology for the South: or The Failure of Free Society and Cannibals All! Or Slaves Without Masters. The essence of his argument was summarized by him in one sentence: "Liberty is an evil which government is intended to correct." The free society and the market economy, ...
Discrimination by F.A. Harper October 1, 1990 ... Many of the leading problems of our day, I believe, stem from a thought-disease about discrimination. It is well known that discrimination has come to be widely scorned. And politicians have teamed up with those who scorn it, to pass laws against it — as though morals can be manufactured by the pen of ...
Book Review: Preferential Policies by Richard M. Ebeling October 1, 1990 Preferential Policies: An International Perspective by Thomas Sowell (New York: William Morrow and Co., Inc., 1990) 221 pp.; $17.95. America was founded upon the idea that it is the individual who possesses rights. This was counter to the political order that dominated in the rest of the world. Practically everywhere else, it was accident of birth that determined one's "privileges." ...
Letting Go of Socialism by Jacob G. Hornberger September 1, 1990 Socialism has held the world in its grip since the beginning of the 20th century. People everywhere fell for the seductive allure of governmental security. Now on the eve of the 21st century, people all over the world are considering letting go of the socialist nightmare. But tragically, one of ...
The Impossibility of Socialism by Richard M. Ebeling September 1, 1990 In May 1988, the Soviet newspaper Pravda ran an article which summarized the condition of the Soviet socialist economy: "Not one of the 170 essential sectors has fulfilled the objectives of the Plan a single time over the last 20 years ... this has brought about a chain reaction of hardship and imbalance which has led to 'planned ...
Sinking in a Sea of Buts by Leonard Read September 1, 1990 There were five of us at a predinner get-together, one an Austrian. These friends were each as near purists in the freedom philosophy as one ever comes upon — which is the only reason for mentioning one man's dissent. His dissent seemed insignificant, but it's the minor deviations and inconsistencies of the philosophical elite — ...