Common Misconceptions about Rights by Benedict D. LaRosa January 21, 2016 The debate about gun rights sparked by President Obama’s recent executive actions and his town hall meeting of January 7, 2016, has brought to light several popular misconceptions, of which the following are some of the more egregious. Misconception #1: Only United States citizens have the right to keep and bear arms, and then only within the borders of the ...
How Lithuania Helped Take Down the Soviet Union by Richard M. Ebeling January 18, 2016 This year, 2016, will mark the twentieth-fifth anniversary of the end of the Soviet Union from the political map of the world. A quarter of a century ago, the menace of Soviet-led communism, which had haunted the globe since the time of the Russian Revolution in 1917, disintegrated from within and passed into the dustbin of history. The Soviet Empire ...
The State of the Nation: A Dictatorship Without Tears by John W. Whitehead January 12, 2016 “There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted ...
Bibles, Hotels, Christians, and Atheists by Laurence M. Vance January 7, 2016 The Gideons International wants to place copies of the Bible in all hotel rooms. Most hotels have complied with the request. Many Americans like the idea. Other Americans don’t care one way or the other. Some Americans want the Bibles removed. In a free society, the questions of whether the Gideons should or shouldn’t make such a request, whether hotels ...
Playing the Government’s Game by John W. Whitehead January 6, 2016 “When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system’s game. The establishment will irritate you – pull your beard, flick your face – to make you fight. Because once they’ve got you violent, then they know how to handle you. The only thing they don’t know how to handle is non-violence ...
Welcome Back to Freedom by Matthew Harwood January 1, 2016 The Dark Net: Inside the Digital Underworld by Jamie Bartlett (Brooklyn: Melville House Publishing, 2015), 320 pages. Do you really want someone to die? If you could help bring about someone’s demise by anonymously and securely placing a bet on when that particular someone might take a dirtnap, would you? That’s the premise of the Assassination Market, an ...
What’s in Store for Our Freedoms in 2016? More of Everything We Don’t Want by John W. Whitehead December 30, 2015 “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”—George Santayana, The Life of Reason, Vol. 1 In Harold Ramis’ classic 1993 comedy Groundhog Day, TV weatherman Phil Connors (played by Bill Murray) is forced to live the same day over and over again until he not only gains some insight into his life but changes his priorities. Similarly, as I ...
The Fear Of Terrorism Is Destroying Our Freedom by Richard M. Ebeling December 28, 2015 The year that is just closing, 2015, has been full of events that continue to dominate the news, including renewed racial tensions on the streets of American cities, growing fears about terrorist attacks on the territory of the United States, and one of the most fear-focused presidential campaign seasons in living memory. Through it all there is one underlying thread ...
What If Jesus Had Been Born 2,000 Years Later in the American Police State? by John W. Whitehead December 23, 2015 “Two thousand years later … the memory of the revolutionary zealot who walked across Galilee gathering an army of disciples with the goal of establishing the Kingdom of God on earth, the magnetic preacher who defied the authority of the Temple priesthood in Jerusalem, the radical Jewish nationalist who challenged the Roman occupation and lost, has been almost completely ...
Compulsory Unions Equals Less Worker Freedom by Richard M. Ebeling December 14, 2015 Personal choice and freedom of association are two fundamental and essential principles of any truly free society, and this includes a free market workplace. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration is spending taxpayer dollars to undermine those principles in other countries around the world. The Washington Times reported on December 11, 2015 that the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has organized ...
Unions and Strikes in a Free Society by Laurence M. Vance December 1, 2015 The labor-union membership rate of American workers has been declining for years. Labor-union strikes have concomitantly decreased as well. Unions have historically been associated with violence, corruption, anti-capitalistic propaganda, Democratic politics — and strikes. Unions According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2014, union membership fell to 11.1 percent, down 0.2 percent from 2013, although the number of workers belonging ...
Patrick Henry’s Choice by Ben Moreel December 1, 2015 In 1775, an American patriot stood before his neighbors in a small church in Virginia and challenged the tyranny of government — his own government — in a ringing statement on liberty and death. While I subscribe wholeheartedly to Patrick Henry’s choice of death in lieu of slavery to government, I would like to call your attention to another thought ...