Break the Cycle by John W. Whitehead January 8, 2019 “The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.” — Edmund Burke Folks, it’s time to break the cycle. Let’s make 2019 the year we say no to the laundry list of abuses—cruel, brutal, immoral, unconstitutional and unacceptable—that have been heaped upon us by the government for way too long. Let’s make 2019 the year we stop living in ...
Freedom Frauds: Fantasy-Based Political Philosophy by James Bovard January 3, 2019 Jim is puzzled. Is equality a basis for a free society? Some leading philosophers seem to think so, but Jim is not so sure.
Government Shutdown or Not, the Police State Will Continue to Flourish by John W. Whitehead January 2, 2019 “There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government of incompetent, corrupt, or vile men.”—Ludwig von Mises The government has shut down again. At least, parts of the government have temporarily shut down over President Trump’s demand for a $5 billion border wall. Yet while these political games dominate news headlines, send the stock ...
Liberal Internationalism: True and False, Part 2 by Richard M. Ebeling January 1, 2019 Part 1 | Part 2 The classical liberal international order of the nineteenth century was not planned or designed by anyone. It was, for the most part, the natural outgrowth of the expanding influence of a new political philosophy of freedom, free markets, and free trade. It began to emerge in the wake of the twenty-five years of war ...
The Little House on the Prairie of Laura Ingalls Wilder by Wendy McElroy January 1, 2019 Prairie Fires: The American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder by Caroline Fraser (Metropolitan Books, 2017); 625 pages. Prairie Fires: The American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder, by Caroline Fraser, is one of the finest biographies I have read, and a fully deserving winner of the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for Biography. Prairie Fires is the definitive depiction ...
Freedom Frauds: Peace on Earth from a One-Season Santa by James Bovard December 19, 2018 Happy Festivus from Jim Bovard! Jim celebrates with a cheap cigar and a beer. But what beer should he drink? Go to the audio podcast.
The Blind Leading the Blind by Laurence M. Vance December 7, 2018 First it was the deaf; now it is the blind. Back in 2010, Netflix was sued by the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) for “discriminating against deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers because not all their streaming video had closed captions.” The NAD, with the support of the U.S. Justice Department, maintained that Netflix was a “place of ...
Preserved Primitivism Versus Freedom and Prosperity by Richard M. Ebeling December 6, 2018 Recently the news media reported the death of a young Christian evangelical who was killed with bows and arrows by members of a primitive and isolated tribe that lives on an island in the Andaman chain in the eastern Indian Ocean. Many in the media expressed sadness for the young man’s demise but considered that compared to interfering in ...
Liberal Internationalism: True and False, Part 1 by Richard M. Ebeling December 1, 2018 Part 1 | Part 2 For more than the seventy years of the post–World War II era, the prevailing global order in the West was and has been called “liberal internationalism.” It has had two components, a political one and an economic one: “democracy” and “capitalism.” Both are being challenged at the present time in various parts of the world, ...
Freedom Frauds: The ‘Truth Will Out’ Fairy Tale by James Bovard November 27, 2018 Truth will out? Really? Truth will out is the biggest fairy tale in Washington. From the Warren Commission, to the Gulf of Tonkin, to WMD in Iraq, the truth has not accomplished much. Go to the audio podcast. View other episodes of Freedom Frauds.
Ludwig von Mises on Liberalism, Nationalism, and Self-Determination by Richard M. Ebeling November 26, 2018 Ludwig von Mises was one of the most important Austrian economists of the 20th century, having left his mark on economic theory and policy by demonstrating that socialist central planning was inherently unworkable because of the abolition of a market-based pricing system for purposes of economic calculation, and by developing a theory of the business cycle that argued that ...
Freedom Frauds: My Biggest East Bloc Bust by James Bovard November 21, 2018 Here’s the story of how Jim blundered into an East German Interrogation Comedy Show while traveling illegally behind the Iron Curtain. Go to the audio podcast. View other episodes of Freedom Frauds.