The New Totalitarians by Richard M. Ebeling February 12, 2020 This year marks the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. The defeat of Nazism in Europe was seen as not only a victory over tyranny, terror, and mass murder, but a triumph for the preservation of many of the most cherished human freedoms, including freedom of speech and the press, and free association. Such freedoms ...
FDR and Stalin Planned the Future of the World by Richard M. Ebeling January 28, 2020 Seventy-five years ago, during the week of February 4-11, 1945, the most important Allied conference during the Second World War was held at Yalta on the Crimean Peninsula in the Soviet Union, between U.S. president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, British prime minister, Winston Churchill, and Soviet leader, Joseph Stalin. Their decisions determined the fate of tens of millions of people ...
Deadly Distractions by John W. Whitehead January 23, 2020 And so it continues. This impeachment fiasco is merely the latest in a never-ending series of distractions, distortions, and political theater aimed at diverting the public’s attention from the sinister advances of the American Police State. Don’t allow yourselves to be distracted, diverted or mesmerized by the cheap theater tricks. This impeachment spectacle is Shakespearean in its scope: full of sound and ...
John Stuart Mill on Slavery and the American Civil War by Richard M. Ebeling January 21, 2020 One of the most heated and controversial issues today concerns the place of slavery in the history of the United States, and attitudes toward the institution of human bondage in the Western world in general. Another theme in modern political debate is the nature and role of classical liberalism as a force for human freedom and dignity or as a ...
Nullify Government Tyranny by John W. Whitehead January 6, 2020 “The people have the power, all we have to do is awaken that power in the people. The people are unaware. They’re not educated to realize that they have power. The system is so geared that everyone believes the government will fix everything. We are the government.”—John Lennon Twenty years into the 21st century, and what ...
Caution: Government May Be Hazardous to Your Liberty by Laurence M. Vance December 30, 2019 The Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act of 1965 required a health warning to be placed on packs of cigarettes sold in the United States. The original warning, which appeared on cigarette packs from January 1, 1966, through October 31, 1970, was Caution: Cigarette Smoking May Be Hazardous To Your Health There are more dangerous things that Americans should be on ...
How Would Jesus Fare in the American Police State? by John W. Whitehead December 20, 2019 Once upon a midnight clear, there was a child’s cry, a blazing star hung over a stable, and wise men came with birthday gifts. We haven’t forgotten that night down the centuries. We celebrate it with stars on Christmas trees, with the sound of bells, and with gifts… We forget nobody, adult or child. All the stockings are filled, ...
Understanding the Freedom We Have Lost by Richard M. Ebeling December 1, 2019 Few people can really understand what life is like in a totalitarian state unless they have lived there or have had the opportunity to visit such a society for an extended period of time. For most Americans it seems like an impenetrable world that is not easily comprehended. How can you imagine living in a society with virtually none ...
The History and Meaning of Berlin Wall by Richard M. Ebeling November 5, 2019 This November marks the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. On November 9, 1989, as the shaky East German communist government resigned, the Berlin Wall came tumbling down. Large crowds formed on both sides of the Wall. East and West Berliners climbed on top, and then people began using sledgehammers and pickaxes to cut holes in ...
Examples of Dedication to Freedom by Richard M. Ebeling November 1, 2019 When Austrian economist Friedrich A. Hayek (1899–1992) wrote his famous book The Road to Serfdom (1944) in the midst of the Second World War, he mentioned in the preface that he had often been told by his socialist colleagues that he would, no doubt, hold an important position in a future planned society, if only he would come around ...
Beware the Growing Evil in Our Midst by John W. Whitehead October 29, 2019 “You see them on the street. You watch them on TV. You might even vote for one this fall. You think they’re people just like you. You’re wrong. Dead wrong.” — They Live We’re living in two worlds, you and I. There’s the world we see (or are made to see) and then ...
The Pathocracy of the Deep State by John W. Whitehead October 24, 2019 “Politicians are more likely than people in the general population to be sociopaths. I think you would find no expert in the field of sociopathy/psychopathy/antisocial personality disorder who would dispute this... That a small minority of human beings literally have no conscience was and is a bitter pill for our society to swallow — but ...