Ad Hominems Against Freedom by Richard M. Ebeling July 2, 2020 Statues are historical symbols of people and events from the past, and as such they reflect the heritage and values of a country. In the heightened current racial tensions in the United States, demonstrators and vandals have insisted that monuments glorifying the Confederacy and the old slave South must come down. But this challenge and attack against America’s past, in ...
The Coronavirus Crisis and Restoring the Spirit of Liberty by Richard M. Ebeling July 1, 2020 The year 2020 will, most certainly, go down in history as a momentous one. Having started out in January with most people fairly confident that relatively prosperous times were likely to continue at least into 2021, it witnessed within a couple of months entire economies almost everywhere collapsing into one of the most serious economic downturns of the last ...
The Meaning and the Mind of an American by Richard M. Ebeling June 23, 2020 One of the continuing and burning issues in America today is determining how we view ourselves and how we view others, including in matters of race. Are we individual human beings who may or may not have by the accidents of birth particular racial and biological characteristics, or do we have certain racial and biological characteristics that determine and ...
Thomas Sowell at 90: Understanding Race Relations Around the World by Richard M. Ebeling June 17, 2020 The issue of race relations in America has reached a new high pitch with the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis policeman, followed by mass peaceful demonstrations and instances of violence, looting, and arson in cities around the country. A new soul-searching on matters of race and racism are now, also, impacting a growing number of academic and ...
Engineering a Race War by John W. Whitehead June 12, 2020 “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”— George Santayana Watch and see: this debate over police brutality and accountability is about to get politicized into an election-year referendum on who should occupy the White House. Don’t fall for it. The Deep State, the powers-that-be, want us to turn this into a race war, ...
Tragedies of Our Time: Pandemic, Planning, and Racial Politics by Richard M. Ebeling June 11, 2020 An old adage says that tragedies often come in threes. Certainly, the first half of 2020 has seen a version of this. First, the coronavirus that has infected millions of people and killed hundreds of thousands. Second, the response by most governments to the virus by commanding near universal business lockdowns and stay-at-homes that have wrecked economic havoc on ...
Freedom Requires Resisting Coronavirus Pessimism by Richard M. Ebeling June 4, 2020 “I’m from the government, and I am here to help!” This line has become a cynical joke among large numbers of Americans, and it often cuts across differences of political opinion concerning the role and activities of government in modern American society. This has continued with the government’s response to the coronavirus crisis, and especially the longer it goes ...
This Is Not a Revolution. It’s a Blueprint for Locking Down the Nation by John W. Whitehead June 2, 2020 When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system’s game. The establishment will irritate you—pull your beard, flick your face—to make you fight. Because once they’ve got you violent, then they know how to handle you. — John Lennon Brace yourselves. There is something being concocted in the dens of power, ...
Sickness Is The Health Of The State! by David Stockman June 1, 2020 A hundred years ago in response to the horror of WWI, the great Randolph Bourne famously pronounced the truth that “War is the Health of the State.” Said Bourne, War is the health of the State. It automatically sets in motion throughout society those irresistible forces for uniformity, for passionate co-operation with the Government in coercing into obedience the minority groups ...
The Conquest of the United States by China by Richard M. Ebeling June 1, 2020 In March 2020, America was put on a “war footing,” according to the president of the United States and other governmental officials. The enemy was declared to be the coronavirus, and to meet this “invader” many if not most politicians at all local, state, and federal levels called for government-directed command and control of social and economic affairs. Welcome ...
Doctors With Hacksaws by David Stockman May 27, 2020 It started in sheer madness on March 13 when the Donald was persuaded to declare a national emergency by his camarilla of dopey doctors. Their stay-at-home guidelines were absolute folly because by then it was obvious that the new Wuhan virus strain mainly attacked the aged, infirm and those already afflicted with serious cardiovascular, respiratory, renal and diabetes/obesity ailments, not ...
The Slippery Slope to Despotism by John W. Whitehead May 22, 2020 You have no right not to be vaccinated, you have no right not to wear a mask, you have no right to open up your business… And if you refuse to be vaccinated, the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor's office and plunge a needle into your arm. —Alan Dershowitz, Harvard law professor You ...