America’s Benevolent Bombing of Serbia by James Bovard July 1, 2019 Twenty years ago, President Bill Clinton commenced bombing Serbia in the name of human rights, justice, and ethnic tolerance. Approximately 1,500 Serb civilians were killed by NATO bombing in one of the biggest sham morality plays of the modern era. As British professor Philip Hammond recently noted, the 78-day bombing campaign “was not a purely military operation: NATO also ...
The Russians Are Coming! by Christine Smith June 11, 2019 The Russians are coming! Sure they are, and the sky is falling too. Based on rhetoric, you'd think the United States government was now stealthily undermined by Russians. With never-ending allegations of Russian interference/collusion and even the absurd implication that the duly elected president might be a Russian agent, along with all the other continual anti-Russia references these days, the Red ...
America’s Legacy of Regime Change by Stephen Kinzer June 1, 2019 Covert Regime Change: America’s Secret Cold War by Lindsey A. O’Rourke (Cornell University Press, 2018); 330 pages. For most of history, seizing another country or territory was a straightforward proposition. You assembled an army and ordered it to invade. Combat determined the victor. The toll in death and suffering was usually horrific, but it was all ...
The Libertarian Angle: World War I (video) by Future of Freedom Foundation April 30, 2019 America should never have gotten involved in World War I, and powers assumed by the government during that war haunt us to this day. FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard Ebeling discuss. Go to the podcast.
Time to End All Foreign Aid by Laurence M. Vance April 29, 2019 Late last month, Donald Trump announced his intention to cut off U.S. foreign aid to three countries in Central America’s Northern Triangle: Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. He accused the governments of those countries of not only failing to stop the flow of migrants to the United States, but of purposely sending migrant caravans to the U.S. border. “We ...
The Libertarian Angle: The Evil of Sanctions and Embargoes (video) by Future of Freedom Foundation April 23, 2019 Sanctions and embargoes do more to hurt the citizens in a country than the government that these policies are trying to punish. Should a libertarian support such policies? FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard M. Ebeling discuss. Go to the podcast.
The Libertarian Angle: U.S. Interventionism in Venezuela by Future of Freedom Foundation January 30, 2019 Should the U.S. government help overthrow the Maduro regime? Does the U.S. government have any role to play at all in Venezuelan politics? FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard Ebeling discuss. Go to the podcast.
The Libertarian Angle: Trump’s “Withdrawal” from Syria (video) by Future of Freedom Foundation January 3, 2019 President Donald Trump has called for the withdrawal of the U.S. military from Syria. While libertarians should laud such a move, what is really going on here? Can we really expect the U.S. military to completely withdraw from an area of the Middle East that it has been trying to influence for so long? ...
Selling Murder as The Greater Good by Gary D. Barnett December 4, 2018 What is absurd and monstrous about war is that men who have no personal quarrel should be trained to murder one another in cold blood. - Aldous Huxley War is the scourge of mankind, the death of sanity, and oftentimes exists when armies of consenting soldiers band together in a military formed and controlled by those among us bent on ...
Religious Freedom and U.S. Foreign Policy by Laurence M. Vance October 30, 2018 A Gallup poll taken last year found that 87 percent of Americans believed in God, 51 percent considered religion to be very important in their life, 54 percent were members of a church or synagogue, 35 percent had attended a church or synagogue in the previous seven days, and 64 percent claimed to be a Christian of some ...
Libertarian Lessons: Foreign Policy by Scott McPherson October 11, 2018 In a libertarian society the role of government is restricted to the protection of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Its only legitimate actions are those guaranteeing the rights of individuals against any who would violate them. What, then, is the proper role of the U.S. government in foreign affairs? To protect the rights of Americans here at ...
The Libertarian Angle: Interventionism and National Security Statism by Future of Freedom Foundation September 18, 2018 FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling are pleased to have as a guest Cato Institute senior fellow Ted Galen Carpenter to discuss foreign policy. Go to the podcast.