Iran and Iraq: The Need for Pentagon Papers (video) by Daniel Ellsberg October 12, 2007 On June 2, 2007, Daniel Ellsberg gave the following Speech at FFF's conference Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties. The speech can viewed below in its entirety.
The Failed Legacy of Interventionism by Jacob G. Hornberger October 10, 2007 Last week, the New Hampshire Union Leader went on the attack against Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul’s foreign-policy views, making the standard pro-empire, pro-intervention arguments that unfortunately have come to characterize the modern-day conservative movement. (Paul’s response to the editorial is here.) Nastily referring to Paul as ...
A Foreign Policy of Peace and Freedom by Scott McPherson October 10, 2007 The Framers of the U.S. Constitution wisely advised a path of nonintervention in the affairs of other nations. As students of history, America’s first statesmen established peace and free trade as a wiser foreign policy course over militarism, alliance-making, and empire. John Quincy Adams, the sixth president, best summed up America’s ...
Why Enemies of Liberty Love Lincoln (video) by Thomas J. DiLorenzo October 5, 2007 On June 2, 2007, Thomas J. DiLorenzo gave the following Speech at FFF's conference Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties. The speech can viewed below in its entirety.
Are Presidents Entitled to Kill Foreigners? by James Bovard October 5, 2007 What is the common term for ordering soldiers to kill vast numbers of innocent people? A war crime. But not when it is done on the command of the U.S. president. Killing innocent foreigners seems to be a perk of the modern presidency — akin to the band’s playing “Hail to the Chief” when ...
A Bogus Libertarian Defense of War by Sheldon Richman October 1, 2007 Many conservatives dubiously insist that a robustly interventionist foreign policy can coexist with a free-market domestic policy. That’s why they have no compunction about supporting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan while claiming to support limited and unintrusive government at home. On the face of it, these seem highly incompatible. War requires the accumulation and exercise of awesome powers. ...
I Suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Part 1 by James Glaser October 1, 2007 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 No veteran wants Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In fact most will fight it for years, and when things really get out of hand, they have to go through the embarrassment of asking the Veterans Administration for ...
Blackhawks over Bourbon Street by Glenn Jacobs October 1, 2007 Last summer it was announced that federal agents would soon join local authorities in policing New Orleans. In addition, National Guard troops will be staying in New Orleans until November, and Mayor Ray Nagin wants the Louisiana Air National Guard to conduct nightly patrols over the city. ...
The Empire Has No Clothes: U.S. Foreign Policy Exposed (video) by Ivan Eland September 28, 2007 On June 2, 2007, Ivan Eland gave the following Speech at FFF's conference Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties. The speech can viewed below in its entirety.
The Importance of the Marketplace of Ideas — in Both War and Peace by Richard M. Ebeling September 21, 2007 On June 2, 2007, Richard M. Ebeling gave the following Speech at FFF's conference Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties. The speech can viewed below in its entirety.
Whatever Happened to Uncle Sam Wants You? by Michael Nolan September 14, 2007 If the war in Iraq is worth fighting, then why doesn't George Bush, commander-in-chief of an army stretched so thin by the Iraq catastrophe that Colin Powell has labeled it broken, just look the people in the eye and say Uncle Sam Wants You? Think about it: Those who support global, perpetual war from Dick Cheney to Joe Lieberman ...
Ike Was Right and We Are Becoming What We Despise (video) by Robert Scheer September 14, 2007 On June 1, 2007, Robert Scheer gave the following Speech at FFF's conference Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties. The speech can viewed below in its entirety.