Deference to Authority, Part 3 by Jacob G. Hornberger April 30, 2011 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 The 50-year-old economic embargo by the U.S. government against the Cuban people stands as a testament to the power of the state to mold the minds of a citizenry, in this case the American citizenry. Having been inculcated from the first grade on up that the U.S. government ...
The Absurdity of Trusting Foreign-Policy Makers by James Bovard April 13, 2011 The United States is attacking Libya on the basis of vague hopes that peace will triumph after the Allied bombing ceases. There are plenty of reasons to doubt whether a few hundred cruise missiles will beget harmony in the Libyan desert. But one of the biggest mistakes would be to assume that U.S. government policymakers understand what they are ...
The Jacob Hornberger Show: Militarism, Empire, and the Road to Tyranny and Bankruptcy by Jacob G. Hornberger April 9, 2011 The Jacob Hornberger Show broadcasts live every Saturday night at 7pm EST. Visit FFF's Ustream Channel to watch the show live. Download the MP3 here, or subscribe to the RSS feed
War: The Republican’s Real Priority by Laurence M. Vance April 6, 2011 In their “Pledge to America,” House Republicans promised “to stop out-of control spending and reduce the size of government.” But other than promising to repeal Obamacare, no specific mention is made in the Pledge about eliminating any federal department, agency, or commission. Indeed, the Republicans’ stated ambition was merely to “roll back government spending to pre-stimulus, pre-bailout ...
The Forgotten Failures of the Peace Corps by James Bovard April 1, 2011 This is the fiftieth anniversary year for the Peace Corps. Prior to the creation of AmeriCorps, the Peace Corps took the cake as the most arrogant and overrated government program in Washington. At a time when the agency is being hailed for idealism and almost saving the world, it is worthwhile to consider its early record of debacles and ...
Afghanistan: A War of Choice, Not Necessity by Sheldon Richman March 25, 2011 In December Barack Obama received his awaited assessment of the war in Afghanistan, then reported to the American people that the mission is “on track” and troops would begin to withdraw next July. But the semi-upbeat assessment was less than persuasive because, as the Washington Post reported, “The overview of the long-awaited report contained no specifics or data to ...
Muslim Radicals Strike at U.S. Foreign Policy by Sheldon Richman March 21, 2011 U.S. Rep. Peter King's recent hearing on the domestic radicalization of Muslims was an act of misdirection. While King, a New York Republican, no doubt exaggerates this phenomenon, he might as well have held a hearing on why objects drop when let go. The answer is obvious. The violence the U.S. government inflicts on the Muslim world is the ...
Glenn Beck Show with Judge Andrew Napolitano: Peter King’s Muslim Hearings by Jacob G. Hornberger March 9, 2011 March 8, 2011, on the Glenn Beck Show (Fox News) Judge Napolitano interviews Jacob Hornberger and Zuhdi Jasser on the Peter King's Muslim Hearings (video at 27:40)
Scott Horton Interviews Jacob Hornbeger by Jacob G. Hornberger March 3, 2011 Scott Horton from Antiwar Radio interviews Jacob Hornbeger Audio
Dina Gusovsky Interviews Jacob Hornberger by Jacob G. Hornberger March 2, 2011 Dina Gusovski from RT Russia Today interviews Jacob Hornberger Video (scroll to bottom)
Making War at Home by Catherine Lutz February 20, 2011 I could see its seams as the huge warplane slowly lumbered overhead toward its twilight landing at a military complex near Fayetteville, North Carolina. It was mere feet above the flapping laundry and unlandscaped grounds of a trailer park. A few miles further away, people living in the houses of another, greener area of Fayetteville straightened wall hangings set ...
The Jacob Hornberger Show: The Dictatorships of the U.S. Empire by Jacob G. Hornberger February 19, 2011 The Jacob Hornberger Show broadcasts live Saturday nights at 7pm EST. Visit FFF's Ustream Channel to watch the show live. Download the MP3 here, or subscribe to the RSS feed