The Road to the Permanent Warfare State Part 10 by Gregory Bresiger February 5, 2012 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 |Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 |Part 12 |Part 13 Of all the enemies to public liberty, war is, perhaps, the ...
Are Obama and Netanyahu Trying to Push Iran toward a Nuke? by Sheldon Richman February 3, 2012 Opponents of war with Iran got a boost the other day from an unlikely source. Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper told a Senate committee, “We do not know … if Iran will eventually decide to build nuclear weapons.” This would be news to most Americans, who for several years have been subjected to a steady drumbeat of ...
RT Russia Today with Yulia Shapovalova: Calls to stop Syria ‘killing machine’ at UN as Russia, China slam sanctions by Jacob G. Hornberger February 1, 2012 Jacob Hornberger, the founder and president of the Future of Freedom Foundation, told RT that the only thing UN resolutions can do is “pour fuel onto the fire.” “That is the whole idea of these resolutions,” he explained. The real thrust of any resolution on Syria would be regime change, he added: “It begins with sanctions. It goes into embargoes, ...
A Real Foreign Policy Debate by Tim Kelly January 26, 2012 A recent poll has revealed a schism within the GOP over foreign policy. In a Washington Times and JZ Analytics survey, 48 percent of Republicans said the United States should maintain a policy of intervening where its interests are challenged. But 46 percent disagreed, saying the country is “in a new global era” where it can no longer take ...
The Road to the Permanent Warfare State, Part 9 by Gregory Bresiger January 23, 2012 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 |Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 |Part 12 |Part 13 In 1949, Harry Truman and Secretary of State Dean Acheson convinced Congress that the ...
A Fitting Symbol of the American Empire by Sheldon Richman January 20, 2012 The image of four U.S. marines urinating on the corpses of Afghan fighters is a fitting symbol of American intervention in Central Asia and the Middle East. That picture will live forever in the memories of people in the region, along with the pictures from Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison. Most Americans aren’t much interested in making fine distinctions in foreign ...
The American Press and War by Tim Kelly January 17, 2012 There is a myth of an independent American press existing as a counterforce to government power. Unfortunately, the truth is less inspiring, especially with respect to the U.S. government’s wars, invasions, and foreign interventions. Rather than keeping the public well-informed, journalists and reporters have all too often served as conduits for government propaganda in the march to war. Sensationalistic “yellow ...
Is Ron Paul an Isolationist? by Laurence M. Vance January 17, 2012 The word isolationist is a pejorative term used to ridicule advocates of U.S. nonintervention in foreign affairs, intimidate their supporters, and stifle debate over U.S. foreign policy. Throughout the twentieth century, opponents of U.S. intervention in foreign wars were smeared as isolationists. Conservative and Republican opponents of Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul, although they may argue and fight among themselves, ...
Opposing Imperialism Is Not Isolationism by Sheldon Richman January 12, 2012 When pundits and rival politicians call Ron Paul an “isolationist,” they mislead the American people — and they know it. They know it? How could they not: Ron Paul is for unilateral, unconditional free trade. He believes any American should be perfectly free to buy from or sell to any person in the world. In that sense — the laissez-faire ...
The Road to the Permanent Warfare State, Part 8 by Gregory Bresiger December 27, 2011 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 |Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 |Part 12 |Part 13 George Kennan, the author of the containment doctrine, the doctrine that had set the ...
Secret Wars and the Rule of Law by Tim Kelly December 21, 2011 The president of the United States now wages secret wars virtually independent of Congress and in direct violation of the United States Constitution. Earlier this month, the White House issued several findings authorizing U.S. intelligence services to carry out covert actions against Iran and Syria. A presidential finding is a directive similar to an executive order; it instructs a government ...
Noninterventionism: Cornerstone of a Free Society by Anthony Gregory December 21, 2011 A free society is impossible under an empire. Even the most just war you can imagine is a disaster for liberty and prosperity, as Ludwig von Mises pointed out. An unjust war amounts to murder, mayhem, and mass destruction. And a perpetual state of war guarantees that liberty will never be achieved. James Madison said it very well: Of all ...