
50 Years Ago: Hayek’s Nobel Lecture on “The Pretense of Knowledge”

Fifty years ago, on October 9, 1974, what has become known as the Nobel Prize in Economics was announced for that year in Stockholm, Sweden. It was a joint award to Swedish economist Gunnar Myrdal (1898–1987) and Austrian economist Friedrich A. Hayek (1899–1992). Many in the economics profession would not have been particularly surprised by Myrdal being declared a ...

The Austrian Economists and Classical Liberalism

The Austrian School of Economics has been widely identified with classical-liberal and free-market ideas. This is especially the case in the writings of Ludwig von Mises (1881–1973) and Friedrich A. Hayek (1899–1992). But the free-market, liberal orientation of many members of the Austrian School goes back to its founding in 1871 with the publication of Carl Menger’s (1840–1921) Principles ...