The debacle in Iraq might well provide a watershed period in the history of our country a period in which the American people engage in deep reflection on the problems facing our nation and reevaluation of them, not only in foreign affairs but in the domestic arena as well. Oftentimes, crises provide the impetus for people to turn introspectively to arrive at answers and solutions.
Thats why it is more important than ever that we redouble our efforts to spread a vision of liberty that is consistent with the founding principles of our nation, especially those found in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
These are some of the questions that Americans need to be asking:
1. What is the role of government in a free society?
2. What should be the role of government in our society?
3. What were the original purposes of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? Are they relevant today?
4. Should the government be engaged in the criminal punishment of nonviolent crime, especially drug abuse?
5. Why is the Second Amendment so important and yet so reviled?
6. Should such important services as education and health care be provided by the government or the free market?
7. Should government, including the IRS, be involved in the charity business?
8.Why did Americans turn toward socialism, including Social Security, in the 20th century? Should we continue down that road?
9. What should be the role of government in foreign affairs? Should the government serve as the worlds international policeman and what are the consequences of such a policy? What was the foreign-policy vision of our ancestors?
10. Why are such principles as due process of law and habeas corpus essential prerequisites to a free society?
If Americans begin thinking about and reflecting on questions such as these, then we have an excellent opportunity to move toward the free society for which we yearn.
It all depends on the transmission of ideas! And the time to start thinking about tomorrow is today!
Thats in fact why FFF has embarked on its radio-outreach campaign to spread ideas on freedom to a wider audience, integrating this new program with our op-ed program to attract more people to the freedom ideas on our website ( and in our FFF Email Update. It is with questions such as those enumerated above that we are challenging people on radio shows all across America, and the response is overwhelmingly positive!
If you did not read my article Our Media-Outreach Campaign in our FFF Email Update during the past week (June 2-7), I hope you will take the time to do so. We need your generous support to continue this important program.
The ancient Chinese symbol for crisis is a combination of two symbols danger and opportunity. The crises facing our country pose danger to our nation but they also present us with an opportunity to restore the values and principles that will bring us a better, freer, more prosperous, peaceful, and harmonious country one that is once again the most-admired nation in history.
If you would like to support our radio-outreach campaign, you and do so at our Subscribe and Support.
Or if you would prefer to use mail or fax, heres our reply form (pdf format).
Thank you very much for your consideration, your dedication to liberty, and your support of our work.
Yours for liberty,
Jacob G. Hornberger
11350 Random Hills Road
Suite 800
Fairfax VA 22030
Tel: (703) 934-6101
Fax: (703) 352-8678