This weeks speaker spotlight for our June 1-4 conference Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties at the Hyatt Regency Reston in Reston, Virginia, highlights Joseph Stromberg and Anthony Gregory, both of whom are speaking on Sunday.
There are few people in the libertarian movement who understand the case for a libertarian foreign policy better than Joe Stromberg. I have the utmost respect for his intellectual integrity, devotion to principle, and academic scholarship. Reading some of his articles would be an excellent way for people to prepare for the conference. Here are links to some of them:
- Anthony Gregory is more than 30 years younger than I, he has definitely become one of my heroes. Surfacing unexpectedly within the libertarian movement about three years ago, he is one of the movements clearest, most principled, and most courageous writers. His understanding of foreign policy and civil liberties from a libertarian standpoint equals that of economic liberty. And there is no one who cannot help but be infected by Anthonys exuberant and passionate love of libertarianism. If you missed his piece on why he is so excited about our conference, it is here:War, Civil Liberties, and LibertarianismWhy should people come to this conference? Isnt this just preaching to the choir?
Well, whats wrong with preaching to the choir?
When it comes to economic liberty, no one can match the libertarian choir for singing the praises of freedom. The choir knows the music, the notes, and the lyrics as well as the names, the works, and life stories of the composers Mises, Hayek, Rothbard, Friedman, Rand, Kirzner, and many others. Because of its countless rehearsals over the years, the libertarian choir sings strongly, robustly, and professionally about the principles of economic liberty.
Since most of our choir rehearsals have covered economic liberty, however, not foreign policy and civil liberties, most of us in the libertarian choir including me need refresher courses, study, practice, and encouragement. While some libertarians are singing strongly and robustly on foreign policy and civil liberties, others are singing with somewhat subdued voices, while still others arent singing at all.
So, what better way for the libertarian choir to get together for choir practice on foreign policy and civil liberties than at our conference Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties, where we have lined up 24 of the finest voices in the libertarian movement? After all, we all know that if the choir is singing solidly and confidently, the congregation will do so as well. But please dont think that this conference is only going to be about choir practice. Its going to be much more than that its going to be a revival!
We hope youll join us!
For more information, including the complete conference schedule, the 24 speaker bios, and registration, please visit our conference website or telephone us at 703-934-65101.