We must now go back to fundamentals. Our fathers gave to the world the sublime example of statesmen who had found the means of casting off the tyrant State and building up the sovereign people — unleashing the energies of free men. It was this historic experiment which set off that astonishing surge of human energy which created here such abundance — and such freedom — as the world has never known.
Now … a new set of enemies, drawing their inspiration from the crumbling ruins of European societies, have been busy rebuilding the power of the all-powerful State and constricting the freedoms of the people. They believe, and with some reason, that if they can carry forward this objective a little further, they will have definitely reversed the course of history beyond our power to alter it.
The task before us is clear. For our principles of action we must go back to our Constitution, to our Declaration of Independence, to our history and to the example set by our national fathers.
We must begin now to dismantle the tyrant State in America and to build up once again the energies of a free people.
This piece is taken from Flynn’s book The Road Ahead ([c] 1949 Devin Adair Company, Publisher, 6 North Water St., Greenwich, CT 06830). Reprinted by permission.